How to plot certain points (or select data of specified range)

6 views (last 30 days)
Hi, I want to plot the below data, but only between -10~+10. The raw data is always >-10 to >10. But I only need to plot between -10 &+10. How can I select between -10 ~+10. I also want to get the index of each filtered data between -10~10. Please kindly help. Many many thanks in advance.
-14 0.28
-13 0.27
-12 0.26
-11 0.25
-10 0.24
-9 0.23
-8 0.23
-7 0.22
-6 0.22
-5 0.22
-4 0.22
-3 0.22
-2 0.22
-1 0.22
0 0.23
1 0.22
2 0.22
3 0.22
4 0.22
5 0.22
6 0.22
7 0.23
8 0.23
9 0.23
10 0.24
11 0.26
12 0.29

Answers (1)

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 7 Aug 2015
Edited: Azzi Abdelmalek on 7 Aug 2015
idx=M(:,1)<10 & M(:,1)>-10
Mekala balaji
Mekala balaji on 7 Aug 2015
Index I want is as shown below(from 1~21, after filter, first element corresponding to -10 is 1, and +10 is 21): Please help me sir. Many thanks again.
1 -10.0000 0.2400
2 -9.0000 0.2300
3 -8.0000 0.2300
4 -7.0000 0.2200
5 -6.0000 0.2200
6 -5.0000 0.2200
7 -4.0000 0.2200
8 -3.0000 0.2200
9 -2.0000 0.2200
10 -1.0000 0.2200
11 0 0.2300
12 1.0000 0.2200
13 2.0000 0.2200
14 3.0000 0.2200
15 4.0000 0.2200
16 5.0000 0.2200
17 6.0000 0.2200
18 7.0000 0.2300
19 8.0000 0.2300
20 9.0000 0.2300
21 10.0000 0.2400
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek on 7 Aug 2015
M=[-14 0.28
-13 0.27
-12 0.26
-11 0.25
-10 0.24
-9 0.23
-8 0.23
-7 0.22
-6 0.22
-5 0.22
-4 0.22
-3 0.22
-2 0.22
-1 0.22
0 0.23
1 0.22
2 0.22
3 0.22
4 0.22
5 0.22
6 0.22
7 0.23
8 0.23
9 0.23
10 0.24
11 0.26
12 0.29]
idx=M(:,1)<=10 & M(:,1)>=-10
out=[(1:nnz(idx))' M(idx,:)]

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