Parsing Complicated text file header

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I have a complicated header to a .txt file that I'm having trouble reading and parsing. I want to pull out the Sample, the Size, and the data (roughly 13000 lines). I've included a simplified version below.
What is the best way to read this?
Thank you!
Sample Virgin 1050, Sec 6, Data Sample
Geometry Rectangular (Length, Width, Thickness)
GeomFactor 27.573229 1/mm 0.041252 1/mm 1.137453 1/mm²
Size 24.2412 3.17500 0.276900 mm
SampParams 0.4000
Method Creep - Sample Rate
Comment 37 Deg, 10 MPa
Xcomment Air Bearing Gas: Air
Multiplex None
InstCalDate Electronics: 2011-11-14 10:45:15 0.00006
AutoAnalysis Off
OrgFile C:\Folder\File
5.027167 37.02016 0.0000000 0.0000000
5.078333 37.02214 1762.800 0.0000000
5.127500 37.02239 2218.972 0.0000000

Accepted Answer

Matt Tearle
Matt Tearle on 7 Dec 2011
If the headers are uniformly formatted, you could simplify this a bit, but this should work:
fid = fopen('data.txt');
sample = fgetl(fid)
foo = textscan(fid,'Size %f%f%f%*s','headerlines',2,'CollectOutput',true);
sizeinfo = foo{1}
foo = '';
while ~strcmp(foo,'StartOfData')
foo = fgetl(fid);
foo = textscan(fid,'%f%f%f%f','delimiter',',','CollectOutput',true);
data = foo{1}
I'm mixing-n-matching approaches. I'm assuming the first line is the "sample", and the fourth line is the "size". But for generality, rather than counting lines, I'm assuming the data starts after the line "StartOfData". Note the use of the HeaderLines property in textscan to skip fixed numbers of lines, and the use of fgetl and strcmp to hunt for a line with specific text.

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