why can't it find the Iris Boundaries

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Yannick Mermet
Yannick Mermet on 16 Aug 2015
Before i apply the algorithm above, I use the following code to Localize and fill in the Reflections in the image:
function [eyeClose] = findReflections(eye, r, c);
%Since Images are already greyscale, no need to convert them.
%Average Intensity Value of image
iAve = mean2(eye);
%*Maximum Intensity Value of image calculated*%
%Gets the 0.04% of the Total amount of pixels in the image
iMaxS = r*c*0.04;
%Sort the values in descending order
[sortedValues,sortIndex] = sort(eye(:),'descend');
%Get a linear index into Eye image of the iMaxS largest values
highValues = sortedValues(1:iMaxS);
%Fixed amount of Brighest Pixels averaged
iMaxB = mean(highValues);
%P (fixed proportion) is between 0 to 1
%After trial and error 0.8 seems to gather the best of the reflections in
%the Iris
P = 0.6;
%Intensity Threshold
tRef = iAve + P*(iMaxB-iAve)
indicies = uint8(double(eye<=tRef));
eyeTref = eye.*indicies;
out = eyeTref; % Initialize
%creates a nonflat, ball-shaped structuring element (actually an ellipsoid)
%whose radius in the X-Y plane is R and whose height is H.
se = strel('ball',5,50);
%Dilation Operator
eyeMorph = imdilate(eyeTref,se);
out(~indicies) = eyeMorph(~indicies); % Replace specular reflections with dilated.
% %Closure Operator
eyeMorph2 = imclose(out,se);
eyeClose = eyeMorph2;
any help would be grateful. Here is the image of the eye

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