Import tool in r2015a not working like r2014a for excel spreadsheet import as matrix

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Hi, I'm having a hardtime importing excel spreadsheet with dates into matlab r2015a - something that worked perfectly for me in r2014a. I used the same code I've been using for imports but r2015a is giving me errors. the import function I have is:
if true
function data = importdata(workbookFile, sheetName, range)
%IMPORTFILE1 Import data from a spreadsheet
% DATA = IMPORTFILE1(FILE) reads all numeric data from the first sheet
%%Input handling
% If no sheet is specified, read first sheet
if nargin == 1 || isempty(sheetName)
sheetName = 1;
% If no range is specified, read all data
if nargin <= 2 || isempty(range)
range = '';
%%Import the data, extracting spreadsheet dates in MATLAB serial date number format (datenum)
[~, ~, raw, dateNums] = xlsread(workbookFile, sheetName, range, '', @convertSpreadsheetDates);
raw(cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && isnumeric(x) && isnan(x),raw)) = {''};
%%Replace date strings by MATLAB serial date numbers (datenum)
R = ~cellfun(@isequalwithequalnans,dateNums,raw) & cellfun('isclass',raw,'char'); % Find spreadsheet dates
raw(R) = dateNums(R);
%%Replace non-numeric cells with NaN
R = cellfun(@(x) ~isnumeric(x) && ~islogical(x),raw); % Find non-numeric cells
raw(R) = {NaN}; % Replace non-numeric cells
%%Create output variable
data = reshape([raw{:}],size(raw));
In r2015a, I tried this function with a 150x9 spreadsheet with Timestamp in first column and it worked well until I tried to import a 126080x9 spreadsheet with the same timestamp in column 1 and I get this error:
if true
All of the input arguments must be of the same size and shape.
Previous inputs had size 1055 in dimension 1. Input #3 has size 126080
Error in importdata (line 41)
R = ~cellfun(@isequalwithequalnans,dateNums,raw) & cellfun('isclass',raw,'char');
I have checked the size of dateNums and raw and they appear not to have the same size. I don't understand why when it worked perfectly on r2014a. Thanks anyone that could help me.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Aug 2015
When you have questions that need fast technical answers with respect to what might be a bug, then you should take advantage of your Software Maintenance Service to call Mathworks for support.
(Unless, that is, you have a Student Version or Home Version license as those might not include technical support.)
Oluwatobi Williams
Oluwatobi Williams on 26 Aug 2015
Great. I'm currently using the academic license in the university. I don't suppose that's necessarily a student version of Matlab. I would check if I can call Mathworks for support.

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Accepted Answer

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 25 Aug 2015
I think this might be a bug in reading files with more than a certain number of lines from Excel (5k or 10k, I forget) in the generated code that have a date/time in them. It's bit me a few times but doesn't seem to be in the R2015b prerelease.
As a workaround, use readtable directly.
Oluwatobi Williams
Oluwatobi Williams on 26 Aug 2015
Thanks. readtable works well but that means I would have to rewrite my code to work around the new syntax. If all else fails, I would resort to using readtable.

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