How to set a GUI table column width in a callback function?

3 views (last 30 days)
function ddl_filelist_calbk(source,eventdata)
filename = filelist(get(ddl_filelist, 'Value'));
set(ddl_vars, 'String', 'Pas de fichiers');
%set(figmain, 'Name', [ 'Analyse du véhicule : ' num2str(cur_bus)])
bus_anadone_fpath = strcat([ defaults.basepath{defaults.oscode} ...
'/' num2str(cur_bus) '/ANALYSE_DONE/' filename{1}] );
varlist = getvarlist(bus_anadone_fpath, get(ddl_usage, 'value'))';
varnum = numel(varlist);
if numel(varlist) > 0;
filelist = flip(filelist);
set(ddl_vars, 'String', varlist);
set(btn_creerparamat, 'visible','on');
set(tbl_vars, 'data', varlist);
set(tbl_vars, 'visible','on');
% ?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?
% This line will not work :-(
% set(tbl_vars, 'ColumnWidth(1)','200');
% ?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?--?
set(ddl_vars, 'String', 'Pas de variable');
set(btn_creerparamat, 'visible','off');
set(tbl_vars, 'visible','off');

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 2 Sep 2015
See this demo where I set the column widths of a table.
close all;
% Create sample data and row and column headers.
columnHeaders = {'n', 'Data Set #1', 'Data Set #2'};
for n=1:10,
rowHeaders{n} = sprintf('Row #%d', n);
tableData{n,1} = n;
tableData{n,2} = 10*rand(1,1);
tableData{n,3} = sprintf(' Value = %.2f %s %.2f', rand(1,1), 177, rand(1));
% Create the table and display it.
hTable = uitable();
% Apply the row and column headers.
set(hTable, 'RowName', rowHeaders);
set(hTable, 'ColumnName', columnHeaders);
% Display the table of values.
set(hTable, 'data', tableData);
% Size the table.
set(hTable, 'units', 'normalized');
set(hTable, 'Position', [.1 .1 .8 .8]);
set(hTable, 'ColumnWidth', {40, 120, 180});
set(gcf,'name','Image Analysis Demo','numbertitle','off')
Of course you need to figure out a number for the width. There is an "autowidth" property for the columns but I don't think it works (otherwise I wouldn't be setting it manually), but I could be wrong.


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