subplots overlap each other

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Mark Dempsey
Mark Dempsey on 17 Sep 2015
Edited: Walter Roberson on 17 Sep 2015
I have a series of 8 subplots [4 2] and between labeling axes and subplot titles all of the plots overlap one another. I'm a little unclear as to the best method of getting everything on the page without the elements interfering with each other. Can anyone make a suggestion. Result and code included.
% function[] = chartSubplotProfiles2(year, month, day, dataT, dataRH)
% The date is set up in the next three lines
year = 2011
month = 9
day = 16
% A structure has been built which contains signal profiles and urban
% boundary layer heights
load SPBLH_final
% a struct has been built which contains temperature and virtual
% temperature data
load radiometerData
% an 1D array of dates is extracted from the SPBLF_final struct
for i = 1:108
clearDays(i) = SPBLH(i). LSCClearDays;
% The index of the desired date is created so that the data from that day
% can be extracted from the SPBLH_final struct
SIndex = find(clearDays == datenum(year, month, day));
% Since each time step is on half an hour, the indices only request data
% for each hour
indices = [1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47];
% the data is called
PBLH = PBLH(indices);
SNR = fixgaps(SPBLH(SIndex).SNR);
TIME = SPBLH(SIndex).TIME(indices);
% a function is called which returns Virtual temperature and temperature.
% The variable for hieight levels above ground is also called
[~, ~, VT, thetaV, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, hagl, ~] = thermoDynamicVariables(year, month, day, dataT, dataRH);
if all(isnan(VT))
count = 0;
% We build three figures
for j = 1:3
% try
% we build 8 subplots for each figure
for i = 1:8;
TH = VT(:, i+count);
thetaVH = thetaV(:, i+count);
haglV = [0; hagl];
% 2 asex are place one on top of the other for each
% subplot space
h = subplot(4,2,i);
line(thetaVH, haglV + 47, 'Color','k', 'Marker', '*');
hold on;
set(h, 'XColor','k','YColor', 'b', 'YLim',[0,2200], ...
'XLim', [275 295]);
line(275:295, repmat(PBLH(i + count) + 29, [1 21]), 'Color','b');
line(TH, haglV + 47, 'Color', 'k', 'Marker', '^');
line(SNR(:,i + count), LEVELS, 'Color', 'r')
ylabel('height above ground');
ax2 = axes('Position', get(h, 'Position'), ...
'XAxisLocation','top', 'YAxisLocation','right', ...
'Color','none', 'XColor','r','YColor', 'r', ...
'YLim',[0,2200], 'XLim', [-30 30]);
line(SNR(:,indices(i + count)), LEVELS, 'Color', 'r')
line(TH, haglV + 47, 'Color', 'k', 'Marker', '^');
line(thetaVH, haglV + 47, 'Color','k', 'Marker', '*');
line(275:295, repmat(PBLH(i + count) + 29, [1 21]), 'Color','b');
xlabel('Signal to noise (dB)');
ylabel('height above ground');
if i == 1
legend('SNR', 'VT', 'VPT', 'PBL height', ...
'Position', [280, 9.1, 0.4, 1], ...
'Units', 'normalized', 'Orientation', 'horizontal')
hold off;
theTitle = strcat('Fig. ', num2str(i), 'Comparative profiles ', ...
datestr(datenum(year, month, day, i-1 + count, 0, 0), 'HH:MM PM'))
h2 = title(theTitle, 'Fontsize', 10);
% We set up the .eps file
thepath = ['../images/profiles/comparison/profile_', ...
datestr(datenum(year, month, day),'yyyy-mm-dd'),'part',num2str(j), '.eps'];
set(gcf, 'PaperPositionMode', 'manual', 'PaperUnits', 'inches', 'PaperPosition', ...
[0.25,0.25,8.0, 10.5],'PaperType', 'USLetter', 'PaperOrientation', 'portrait');
% close all;
count = count + 8;
% catch
% break
% end

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