How to generate a truncated sine wave using Simulink...?

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello everyone!
I was wondering how I can use Simulink to generate a truncated sine wave..? I'm really confused and my professor didn't show an example on how to do this. I've tried using the sine wave block, but I couldn't really come up with a solution.
x(t) = {min{sin(t),0.5} if sin(t) >= 0
{max{sin(t),-0.5 if sin(t) < 0
The above equation is what I'm supposed to put in. I don't need the answer, just something to get me started.
Thanks in advance.

Accepted Answer

Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro on 21 Sep 2015
Use a Sine Wave block and then connect a Saturation block after it (Simulink > Discontinuities), with limits of -0.5 and 0.5. That should do the trick!
- Sebastian
Keshav Chaudhary
Keshav Chaudhary on 29 Oct 2018
How to do it in the Matlab code that is when we are not using the block?
Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro on 29 Oct 2018
With the min and max functions.
>> data = min(data,0.5);
>> data = max(data,-0.5);
... or in one line:
>> data = max(min(data,0.5),-0.5);
- Sebastian

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