Getting Multiple responses/input using GetEchoString

10 views (last 30 days)
Does anyone knows how can I get multiple responses with GetEchoString, and making the previous responses stay on the screen at the same time. I tired these codes (refer below), it works out fine for getting the responses, but the previous response just vanish whenever I start typing the second response. Please help. Thanks in advance.
for Length=1:initial_length
check_answer = str2mat(wordpool(wordset2))
Response = GetEchoString_VSmod(wPtr, text, 500, 100, textBlack, white,Length);
% I modified the positioning of my output here, that is why the function is now
called differently
Screen('DrawText', wPtr, text, 500, 100, textBlack);
Screen('DrawLine',wPtr,[0 0 0], 640, (Length*150)+140, 1040 ,(Length*150)+140, 5);
Screen('DrawText', wPtr, Response, 650, (Length*150)+40, textBlack)
vbl=Screen('Flip', wPtr, vbl+(flipSpd*monitorFlipInterval),1);
This is my modified GetEchoString
% Write the message
Screen('DrawText', windowPtr, msg, x, y, textColor, bgColor);
Screen('DrawLine',windowPtr,[0 0 0], 640, (Length*150)+140, 1040 ,(Length*150)+140, 5);
Screen('Flip', windowPtr, 0, 1);
string = '';
while true
char = GetChar;
switch (abs(char))
case {13, 3, 10}
% ctrl-C, enter, or return
case 8
% backspace
if ~isempty(string)
string = string(1:length(string)-1);
string = [string, char];
output = [msg, ' ', string];
Screen('DrawText', windowPtr, msg, x, y, textColor, bgColor);
Screen('DrawLine',windowPtr,[0 0 0], 640, (Length*150)+140, 1040 ,(Length*150)+140, 5);
Screen('Flip', windowPtr, 0, 1);
Screen('DrawText', windowPtr, string, 650, (Length*150)+40, textColor, bgColor);
Screen('Flip', windowPtr);

Answers (1)

Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub on 28 Dec 2011
Screen('DrawText', wPtr, Response, 650, (Length*150)+40, textBlack)
I think you want to concatenate your new Response with your old Response.

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