Error using / Matrix dimensions must agree. Error in acquire (line 38) [b, a]=butter(2, [(((BPM_L)/60)/fps*2) (((BPM_H)/60)/fps*2)])

1 view (last 30 days)
fps= num2str(v.FrameRate) ;%where v is a video object. BPM_L = 40; BPM_H = 230; [b, a]=butter(2, [(((BPM_L)/60)/fps*2) (((BPM_H)/60)/fps*2)])

Answers (1)

Shubham Singh
Shubham Singh on 9 Oct 2015
clc; close all; clear all;
% assigning the name of sample avi file to a variable filename = 'video3.avi';
%reading a video file v = VideoReader(filename); numFrames = v.NumberOfFrames;
display(['Total frames: ' num2str(numFrames)]);
y = zeros(1, numFrames); for i=1:numFrames, display(['Processing ' num2str(i) '/' num2str(numFrames)]); frame = read(v, i); redPlane = frame(:, :, 1); y(i) = sum(sum(redPlane)) / (size(frame, 1) * size(frame, 2)); end
fps= num2str(v.FrameRate) ; disp(fps);
% Parameters to play with WINDOW_SECONDS = 6; % [s] Sliding window length BPM_SAMPLING_PERIOD = 0.5; % [s] Time between heart rate estimations BPM_L = 40; BPM_H = 230; % [bpm] Valid heart rate range FILTER_STABILIZATION_TIME = 1; % [s] Filter startup transient CUT_START_SECONDS = 0; % [s] Initial signal period to cut off FINE_TUNING_FREQ_INCREMENT = 1; % [bpm] Separation between test tones for smoothing ANIMATION_SPEED_FACTOR = 2; % [] This makes the animation run faster or slower than real time
% Build and apply input filter [b, a]=butter(2, [(((BPM_L)/60)/fps*2) (((BPM_H)/60)/fps*2)]) yf = filter(b, a, y); y = yf((fps * max(FILTER_STABILIZATION_TIME, CUT_START_SECONDS))+1:size(yf, 2));
% Some initializations and precalculations num_window_samples = round(WINDOW_SECONDS * fps); bpm_sampling_period_samples = round(BPM_SAMPLING_PERIOD * fps); num_bpm_samples = floor((size(y, 2) - num_window_samples) / bpm_sampling_period_samples); fcl = BPM_L / 60; fch = BPM_H / 60; orig_y = y; bpm = []; bpm_smooth = [];
max_freq_plot_amplitude = 0; max_time_plot_bpm = 100; min_time_plot_bpm = 50;
for i=1:num_bpm_samples,
% Fill sliding window with original signal
window_start = (i-1)*bpm_sampling_period_samples+1;
ynw = orig_y(window_start:window_start+num_window_samples);
% Use Hanning window to bring edges to zero. In this way, no artificial
% high frequencies appear when the signal is treated as periodic by the
y = ynw .* hann(size(ynw, 2))';
gain = abs(fft(y));
% FFT indices of frequencies where the human heartbeat is
il = floor(fcl * (size(y, 2) / fps))+1; ih = ceil(fch * (size(y, 2) / fps))+1;
index_range = il:ih;
% Plot the amplitude of the frequencies of interest
subplot(2, 1, 1);
hold off;
fft_plot = plot((index_range-1) * (fps / size(y, 2)) * 60, gain(index_range), 'b', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
max_freq_plot_amplitude = max(max_freq_plot_amplitude, max(gain(index_range)));
axis([BPM_L BPM_H 0 max_freq_plot_amplitude]);
grid on;
xlabel('Heart rate (BPM)');
title('Frequency analysis and time evolution of heart rate signal');
% Find peaks in the interest frequency range and locate the highest
[pks, locs] = findpeaks(gain(index_range));
[max_peak_v, max_peak_i] = max(pks);
max_f_index = index_range(locs(max_peak_i));
bpm(i) = (max_f_index-1) * (fps / size(y, 2)) * 60;
% Smooth the highest peak frequency by finding the frequency that
% best "correlates" in the resolution range around the peak
freq_resolution = 1 / WINDOW_SECONDS;
lowf = bpm(i) / 60 - 0.5 * freq_resolution;
test_freqs = round(freq_resolution / freq_inc);
power = zeros(1, test_freqs);
freqs = (0:test_freqs-1) * freq_inc + lowf;
for h = 1:test_freqs,
re = 0; im = 0;
for j = 0:(size(y, 2) - 1),
phi = 2 * pi * freqs(h) * (j / fps);
re = re + y(j+1) * cos(phi);
im = im + y(j+1) * sin(phi);
power(h) = re * re + im * im;
[max_peak_v, max_peak_i] = max(power);
bpm_smooth(i) = 60*freqs(max_peak_i);
% Plot amplitudes in the fine-tuning interval
hold on;
smoothing_plot = plot(freqs*60, sqrt(power), 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
% Plot legend
set(fft_plot, 'Displayname', 'FFT modulus');
set(smoothing_plot, 'Displayname', 'Peak smoothing');
legend('Location', 'NorthEast');
% Plot BPM over time
subplot(2, 1, 2);
t = (0:i-1) * ((size(orig_y, 2) / fps) / (num_bpm_samples - 1));
hold off;
plot(t, bpm_smooth, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
max_time_plot_bpm = max(max_time_plot_bpm, max(bpm_smooth));
min_time_plot_bpm = min(min_time_plot_bpm, min(bpm_smooth));
axis([0 ((size(orig_y, 2)-1) / fps) min_time_plot_bpm max_time_plot_bpm]);
grid on;
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Heart rate (BPM)');
% Print speed factor over real time
box = uicontrol('style', 'text');
set(box, 'String', [num2str(ANIMATION_SPEED_FACTOR) 'x']);
set(box, 'Position', [512-42, 7, 40, 38]);
set(box, 'FontName', 'Ubuntu Condensed');
set(box, 'ForegroundColor', hex2dec({'88' '88' '88'})/255);
set(box, 'FontSize', 22);
set(box, 'BackgroundColor', hex2dec({'cc' 'cc' 'cc'})/255);
drawnow(); % Flush graphics
disp(['Mean HR: ' num2str(mean(bpm_smooth)) ' bpm']);


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