Is it possible tp parallelize Kalman Filter?

3 views (last 30 days)
Andrew on 29 Dec 2011
This is for a course project. I have a kalman filter code posted below, and i need to write code in Paralllel Computing toolbox so that it can be executed in several processes. Do you guys think it's possible to parallelize Kalman Filter? thank you very much!
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Kalman filter%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% run Kalman filter
xfilt = zeros( k, T);
Vfilt = zeros( k, k, T);
Vmfilt = zeros( k, k, T);
Z = data;
%%%%%%%%%%%Initialize log-likelihood%%%%%%%%
loglik = 0;
for i=1:T
% Predict
if i==1
xhatm = F*x0;
Vm = F*V0*F' + Q;
xhatm = F*xhat;
Vm = F*V*F' + Q;
% Update
S = H*Vm*H' + R;% the covariance matrix of Y estimation and Y real-value.
K = Vm * H' / S;
xhat = xhatm + K*( Z(:,i) - H*xhatm );%equation (4.39)
V = ( eye(k) - K*H) * Vm;
xfilt(:,i) = xhat; %save xhat to Vfilt matrix
Vfilt(:,:,i) = V; %save V to Vfilt matrix
Vmfilt(:,:,i) = Vm; %save Vm to Vmfilt matrix,
% Update log likelihood
loglik = loglik - (n/2)*log(2*pi) - .5 * log( abs(det(S)) ) -.5*(( Z(:,i) - H*xhatm )' / S)*( Z(:,i) - H*xhatm );
end %det: determinant of matrix S.
loglik_array(num_iter) = loglik;

Answers (1)

Friedrich on 29 Dec 2011
no that is not possible since the way the Kalman Filter is used shows that the itterations are not independent of each other. So you can't do the calculation for i = 5 before you have done i = 4 and so on. Which means you can't run it in parallel.
You can obtain that dependency when looking at the underlying model ( )
x_k = F_k * x_{k-1} + B_k * u_k + w_k
There you can see an x_{k-1} which shows again that you need to calculate the Kalman Filter sequentially.
  1 Comment
Andrew on 29 Dec 2011
thank you very much for your reply!
yes, you are right. It's not possible to parallelize the "for" iterations.
Now I m wondering if the matrix multiply in the equations can be performed by several processors. Like this one introduces:

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