query by humming in matlab

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nuwan nuone
nuwan nuone on 18 Oct 2015
I'm trying to find code examples for query by humming in matlab but seems very rare in the web.can anyone help me.
Transferred from earlier, now deleted, question:
I'm trying to search songs through humming a song using matlab. I have read few articles and search in the internet but hard to fine best way to do that. Some article says converting signals into frequency graphs and then comparing the signals.but my question is: how can I compare humming sound with a Mp3 file in efficient way in matlab. I have no previous experience with matlab. So how can I start to develop this?.
UPDATE- I started work like this. I converted the sample mp3 file into .wave file and generated its frequency domain graph using matlab (let say graph Y).
%Load File
file = 'E:\FFOutput\oneMinute_Output\new_01 Pata Dedunu.wav';
[y,Fs,bits] = wavread(file);
Nsamps = length(y);
t = (1/Fs)*(1:Nsamps) %Prepare time data for plot
%Do Fourier Transform
y_fft = abs(fft(y)); %Retain Magnitude
y_fft = y_fft(1:Nsamps/2); %Discard Half of Points
f = Fs*(0:Nsamps/2-1)/Nsamps; %Prepare freq data for plot
%Plot Sound File in Time Domain
plot(t, y)
xlabel('Time (s)')
title('Tuning Fork A4 in Time Domain')
if I get the frequency graph of the hum audio file as well (let say graph X) ,will I able to compare them in matlab for similarities?. [humming in close mouth.I need to compare this humming audio file with few songs.]
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 19 Oct 2015
Answer to " I have no previous experience with matlab. So how can I start to develop this?" http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/8026-best-way-s-to-master-matlab
Fernando JoseMaria
Fernando JoseMaria on 17 Apr 2016
I would add one more apps for query by humming. acrcloud , they provide api/sdks for developers, in C/C++, Java, C# and so on. I am not sure whether they provide matlab code, but could be baseline for the testing.

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