Writing a linear model for anova with a nested design

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I am currently trying to create a fixed effect linear model using fitlm to run ANOVA on. My variables are 'Location','Block','Count','Disease', and response variable is 'Y'. My issue is that I am not sure what syntax I should use in the formula so that Blocks are nested within Location. My current model formula is:
lm1 = fitlm(table,'Y~Count*Disease*Location+Block','ResponseVar','Y','PredictorVars',...{'Count','Disease','Location','Block'},'CategoricalVar',{'Location','Block','Disease'});
This is giving me a linear model but it does not appear that Blocks are nested within location. Does anyone know how I should change my formula so blocks are nested within location?

Answers (1)

David Lewis
David Lewis on 12 Jun 2019
Here is the documentation for analysis of variance. An name/value option for nesting is included.

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