How can I make a numerical simulation of system of PDEs?The example of system is given.thanks so much

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error('PDE:assempde:nargin', 'Wrong number of input arguments.');
elok faiqotul himmah
elok faiqotul himmah on 10 Nov 2015
I found this code in matlab, it used for solving systems of pdes with two equation. I will apply those code withmy model, systems of pdes with six equations. This is the code
m = 0; x = linspace(0,1,41); t = linspace(0,200,10);
sol = pdepe(m,@pdex5pde,@pdex5ic,@pdex5bc,x,t); n = sol(:,:,1); c = sol(:,:,2);
figure; surf(x,t,c); title('Distribution of fibronectin--c(x)'); xlabel('Distance x'); ylabel('Time t');
figure; surf(x,t,n); title('Distribution of ECs--n(x)'); xlabel('Distance x'); ylabel('Time t');
figure; plot(x,n(end,:)); title('Final distribution of n(x).');
figure; plot(x,c(end,:)); title('Final distribution of c(x).');
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [c,f,s] = pdex5pde(x,t,u,DuDx) d = 1e-3; a = 3.8; S = 3; r = 0.88; N = 1;
c = [1; 1]; f = [ d*DuDx(1) - a*u(1)*DuDx(2) DuDx(2) ]; s1 = S*r*u(1)*(N - u(1)); s2 = S*(u(1)/(u(1) + 1) - u(2)); s = [s1; s2];
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
function u0 = pdex5ic(x) u0 = [1; 0.5]; if x >= 0.3 & x <= 0.6 u0(1) = 1.05 * u0(1); u0(2) = 1.0005 * u0(2); end
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [pl,ql,pr,qr] = pdex5bc(xl,ul,xr,ur,t) pl = [0; 0]; ql = [1; 1]; pr = [0; 0]; qr = [1; 1];
How can I simulate my systems of pdes with this?

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