How to delete Table Variables (columns) of a certain value

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Hello, I have a huge table with lots of data, as well of columns full of 'null' data. The null data are values of '-9999' or '-6999'. I want to remove the columns with null values, so I was thinking of writing a loop to determine if the mean, median, and maximum are all equal to each other, then that column should be deleted. I have attached a subset of my data for an example. My main problem is, is that I don;t know how to start the loop, do you use i's and j's to designate rows and columns??
the cyclist
the cyclist on 12 Nov 2015
When you say you have a table, do you mean that the data are stored in MATLAB's table object type? If not, how are the data stored in MATLAB?
Megan Walsh
Megan Walsh on 13 Nov 2015
Yes, the data is stored as matlab object type table.

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Accepted Answer

the cyclist
the cyclist on 13 Nov 2015
Here's one way. I create a small version of your table, then delete the column that has only -6999.
Tau = [0.031985224;
ru_Tau = -6999*ones(5,1);
tbl = table(Tau,ru_Tau);
tableSize = size(tbl);
removalIndex = false(1,tableSize(2));
for nv = 1:tableSize(2);
removalIndex(nv) = all(tbl{:,nv}==-6999);
tbl(:,removalIndex) = [];
You could also remove columns that have any null values, and not all null values. (Just use the any function where I used the all function.)
You should be able to adapt this to getting rid of -9999, or a mix of those two values.
  1 Comment
Megan Walsh
Megan Walsh on 13 Nov 2015
thank you. That makes sense and I see where I could apply the any function like you suggested.

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