Can I use the GPU to speed gaussian fit on a large array of vectors?

5 views (last 30 days)
Hi all, I'm trying to write a script that will analyze a group of video frames on a pixel-by-pixel basis. So, I have 200 640x480 images. I pull them in so I have one big 640x480x200 matrix. Thus far I have been using nested loops (and parfor) to analyze each 200 element vector in the 640x480 array. I need to do a Gaussian fit on the vector and return the peak of the Gaussian fit (coefficient b1). My current problem is that it takes a long time to run (over 1 hr) and I'm only able to halve the time using parfor on a dual core CPU.
So my questions are: Can I use the GPU to do more operations in parallel? The fit function is not supported for GPU. Can I use it in arrayfun? Do you have any other tips that would speed this calculation?
I've done some timing and the fit function is the slowest part of the script. I tried to speed it up by limiting iterations and function evaluation. But mostly it's repeating the calculation 307200 times that is taking so long. Eventually, I need to use this script to analyze data with more than 5000 frames so any speed would help greatly.
Here's my code:
if true
%FA is a 640x480x200 double
for j = 1:640
parfor k = 1:480
data=squeeze(-FA(j,k,:)); %extracts z-vector from single pixel
[pks,locs] = findpeaks(data); %smooths peaks over interference fringe modulation
pks = pks + abs(min(pks)); %moves baseline to zero
[mx, mxloc] = max(pks); %IDs location of maximum
f = fit(locs, pks,'gauss1','MaxIter', 1, 'MaxFunEvals', 3, 'Exclude', locs < mxloc - 5 & locs > mxloc + 5);
fitcoeff = coeffvalues(f);
CellArray(j,k) = fitcoeff(1,2); %returns b1 fit coefficient to array
Thanks in advance!

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