NARX net cannot predict nonlinear dynamical system

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Hi All, I'm trying to fit a theta -neuron model with narxnet in matlab. The model is given by:
theta_dot = (1 - cos theta)/tau + u *(1 + cos theta) ;
I have trained the network with 5 hidden layers and 10^6 data points (data generated by random noise). The training results are ok but when it comes to prediction the Neural Network performs horribly wrong. I'm attaching the code and training and prediction performance. Any help is appreciated thanks! Using Matlab 2015a on Windows 10.
%%Fitting a Theta Neuron with a neural network
close all; clear ; clc
% theta_dot = (1 - cos theta)/tau + u *(1 + cos theta) ;
% discrete case theta(k+1) = theta(k)+ theta_dot *dt
tau = 1; % Model parameters
sigma_u = 20 ; mean_u = 0.5; % varince in input (gaussian noise)
time_steps = 1e6 + 1; dt = 1e-3; % Simulation time and interval in ms
t_vec = (0 : time_steps -1) * dt;
u_t = mean_u + sqrt(sigma_u) * randn(time_steps,1); % Training Input
theta_t = zeros(time_steps,1); % Initialization
% Euler integration for the theta neuron model
for nn = 1 : time_steps -1
theta_t(nn + 1) = theta_t(nn) + ((1 - cos(theta_t(nn)))/tau + u_t(nn)* (1 + cos(theta_t(nn))))* dt;
x_t = theta_t; % Rename to keep the naming convention
plot(t_vec , sin(x_t)) % Plot the evolution of sin(theta) which indicates spike when theta = 2*pi
%%Create and Train the Neural Network
% preparing the training data
training_set = (time_steps -1) * 0.8 ; % Use 80% as the training set and 20% for the prediction
u_t_train = u_t(1 : training_set); % Setting the training data for the recurrent neural network
x_t_train = x_t(1 : training_set);
x_t_train = con2seq(x_t_train'); % Changing the datset to the appropriate datatype
u_t_train = con2seq(u_t_train');
% create the neural network
d1 = 1; % # of input delays
d2 = 1; % # of feedback delays
hidden = 5; % # of hidden layers
narx_net = narxnet(d1,d2,hidden); % Create a Nonlinear autoregressive neural network with external input
narx_net.divideFcn = ''; % No dividing of traing data
narx_net.trainParam.min_grad = 1e-10;
% Preparing the shifted data
[shifted_u_t, input_delay_states, Ai, shifted_x_t] = preparets(narx_net, u_t_train,{}, x_t_train); % Non Feedback Targets is empty
narx_net = train(narx_net, shifted_u_t, shifted_x_t, input_delay_states); % train the series parallel model
% view(narx_net) % Visualize the Network
process_sim = sim(narx_net, shifted_u_t, input_delay_states); % Simulate the neural network
error_sim= cell2mat(process_sim)-cell2mat(shifted_x_t);
subplot(4,1,3) % plotting an overlay of training data and the fitting of the NN
TS = size(shifted_x_t, 2);
plot(1:TS, sin(cell2mat(shifted_x_t)),'*-b', 1:TS, sin(cell2mat(process_sim)),'--r')
% Close the neural network loop after Sufficient Training
narx_net_closed = closeloop(narx_net);
% view(narx_net_closed) % Visualizing the Parallel Identification Model
prediction_set = (time_steps -1) * 0.2; % 20% data for the prediction
u_t_predict = u_t(training_set + 1 : training_set + prediction_set);
x_t_predict = x_t(training_set + 1 : training_set + prediction_set);
x_t_predict = con2seq(x_t_predict'); % Changing the datset to the appropriate datatype
u_t_predict = con2seq(u_t_predict');
[shifted_u_p, input_delay_states1, Ai1,shifted_x_p] = preparets(narx_net_closed,u_t_predict,{},x_t_predict);
process_prediction = narx_net_closed(shifted_u_p, input_delay_states1, Ai1);
TS1 = size(shifted_x_p, 2);
subplot(4,1,4) % Plotting an overlay of actual data and prediction of NN
plot(1:TS1, sin(cell2mat(shifted_x_p)),'*-b', 1:TS1, sin(cell2mat(process_prediction)),'--r')
Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 18 Jan 2016
I think I have solved this problem I will check my files.
Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 21 Jan 2016
Edited: Greg Heath on 22 Jan 2016
No. I didn't. Will take a look at it.
However, with N = 1e4+1 instead of 1e6+1.
Taking more time than I expected. Your notation is not helpful (in fact, pretty dreadful).
Taking longer than expected to change to my notation.
Why the random input?
P.S. 1 hidden layer with 5 hidden nodes.
Did you realize that the explicit separation into training and prediction subsets is unnecessary if you use DIVIDEBLOCK?

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Answers (1)

Greg Heath
Greg Heath on 22 Jan 2016
Edited: Greg Heath on 22 Jan 2016
My Normalized OL and CL MSE results for the training data are
NMSE = mse(error)/mean(var(target',1))
NMSEtrno = 2.7895e-07
NMSEtrnc = 0.27786
ratio = 9.961e+05
Since the NMSE for the CL net on training data is
than for the OL net, there is no hope for accurate predictions on nontraining data unless you
I have not done this yet.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer


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