tri2grid anyone??

2 views (last 30 days)
Meionly on 7 Mar 2011
Hi All !
Does anyone know how to define the u function in to use in tri2grid function?
this is the formula from the product help of matlab:
it says.. computes the function values uxy over the grid defined by the vectors x and y, from the function u with values on the triangular mesh defined by p and t.
so the question is: how can we define the function u ???

Answers (1)

Andrew Newell
Andrew Newell on 7 Mar 2011
Although u is called a function, it's really a vector representing the values of the function on the mesh. tri2grid is intended as a postprocessor for outputs from solvers like parabolic. Try typing
type pdedemo5
to see an example of tri2grid in action.

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