Given f(x,y), how do I solve gradient f=0?

31 views (last 30 days)
Xueyun Zheng
Xueyun Zheng on 6 Feb 2016
Answered: achraf Elqarnani on 20 May 2021
I have a function f(x,y) and want to find the values of x and y that make grad(f)=0. Is is possible to do the gradient symbolically inside an m file? I'm trying to use 'gradient' and 'fsolve' commands, but getting hung up on syntax.
The function is: f=-(x.^2+(y-1).^2+x).*exp( -(x.^2+y.^2)/5 )

Answers (2)

Star Strider
Star Strider on 6 Feb 2016
Two options — choose the one that works for you:
% % ————— Numeric:
x = linspace(-10, 10);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x);
f = @(x,y) -(x.^2+(y-1).^2+x).*exp( -(x.^2+y.^2)/5 );
fxy = f(X,Y);
dxy = x(2)-x(1);
gfxy = gradient(fxy, dxy, dxy);
C = contour(X, Y, gfxy, [0; 0]);
grid on
% % ————— Symbolic:
syms x y
f = symfun(-(x.^2+(y-1).^2+x).*exp( -(x.^2+y.^2)/5 ), [x, y]);
gradfxy = gradient(f, [x, y]);
grad_zero = solve(gradfxy == 0);
x_soln = grad_zero.x
y_soln = grad_zero.y

achraf Elqarnani
achraf Elqarnani on 20 May 2021
x = linspace(-10, 10);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x);
f = @(x,y) -(x.^2+(y-1).^2+x).*exp( -(x.^2+y.^2)/5 );
fxy = f(X,Y);
dxy = x(2)-x(1);
gfxy = gradient(fxy, dxy, dxy);
C = contour(X, Y, gfxy, [0; 0]);
grid on
% % ————— Symbolic:
syms x y
f = symfun(-(x.^2+(y-1).^2+x).*exp( -(x.^2+y.^2)/5 ), [x, y]);
gradfxy = gradient(f, [x, y]);
grad_zero = solve(gradfxy == 0);
x_soln = grad_zero.x
y_soln = grad_zero.y

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