How to code an event that causes a shift in the resulting graph of a nonlinear dynamical system

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I have a Matlab script that generates periodic oscillations in a nonlinear dynamical system. I am getting the oscillations perfectly. But when I try to insert a small disturbance (event), the oscillations are dying out. The code is shown below.
clear; clc;
Storing the rate constants/parameters using Struct function 'p'. fprintf('\nStart: %s ', datestr(datetime('now')));
start = tic;
NSim = 1;
[avg_p, mean_avg_vrnce] = deal(zeros(1,NSim));
[ca_, ip3_,hopen_]= deal(zeros(10001,NSim));
start1 = tic;
for A=1: NSim
%%standard values
p = struct('c0',2, 'c1',0.185, 'v1',6, 'v2',0.11, 'v3',0.9,...
'k3',0.1, 'd1',0.13, 'd2',1.049, 'd3',0.943, 'd5',0.082,...
'a2',0.2, 'tmax',100, 'ipr',10000, 'dt',0.01, 'alpha',0.2,...
'k4',1.1, 'V4',1.2, 'Ir',1);
%simulation time
t = (0: p.dt : p.tmax)';
%total time steps
t_count = length(t) - 1;
% Standard value
%Initial Calcium and IP3 concentrations in microMols
[ca] = deal([.1; zeros(t_count, 1)]);
[ip3] = deal([0.35; zeros(t_count, 1)]);
fprintf('\nRunning %d iteration\n', A);
%other parameters
alpha_h = p.a2*p.d2*(ip3(1) + p.d1)/(ip3(1) + p.d3)*p.dt;
%randomly generate states of the channels
ini_states = unidrnd(2,p.ipr,3) - 1;
%initializing the open probability of the channels
hopen = [length(nonzeros(all(ini_states,2)))/p.ipr; zeros(t_count,1)];
isopen_temp = ini_states; %storing the states to a different matrix
for j = 1:t_count
% fprintf('\nInner loop %d iteration\n', i);
m_inf_3 = (ip3(j)/(ip3(j) + p.d1))^3/p.ipr;
n_inf_3 = (ca(j)/(ca(j)+p.d5))^3;
J1 = (p.v1 * m_inf_3 * n_inf_3 * hopen(j) + p.v2) * (p.c0 - (p.c1+1)*ca(j));
J2 = p.v3*ca(j)^2/(p.k3^2 + ca(j)^2);
ca(j+1) = ca(j) + (J1-J2)*p.dt;
beta_h = p.a2*p.dt*ca(j); %closing rate of IPR
ip3(j+1) = ip3(j) + (((ca(j) + p.alpha*p.k4)./(ca(j) + p.k4) ).*p.V4 - p.Ir .* ip3(j))*p.dt;
y = rand(p.ipr,3); %probability of changing the states
indces = (isopen_temp & y<beta_h) | (~isopen_temp & y<alpha_h);
isopen_temp(indces) = ~isopen_temp(indces);
hopen(j+1) = length(nonzeros(all(isopen_temp,2)));
if (j >= 5000 ) % disturbance at this time instant
s = 0.05;
ca(j+1) = ca(j) + ((ca(j+1)-ca(j))+(J1-J2))*p.dt* s;
ip3(j+1) = ip3(j) + (((ca(j) + p.alpha*p.k4)./(ca(j) + p.k4) ).*p.V4+s - p.Ir .* ip3(j))*p.dt* s;
y = rand(p.ipr,3);
indces = (isopen_temp & y<beta_h) | (~isopen_temp & y<alpha_h);
isopen_temp(indces) = ~isopen_temp(indces);
hopen(j+1) = length(nonzeros(all(isopen_temp,2)));
ca_(:,A)= ca;
ip3_(:,A)= ip3;
hopen_(:,A)= hopen;
[pks,tme]=findpeaks(ca,'MinPeakHeight',max(ca)/2); %obtain the peaks with their corresponding time instants
avg_p(:,A) = sum(diff(tme)*0.01)/(length(pks)-1); %average period of oscillation
%to obtain the variances
mean_avg_vrnce(:,A) = var( diff(tme)*0.01);
m_avg_p = mean(avg_p);
m_mean_avg_vrnce = mean(mean_avg_vrnce);
xlabel('Time (s)','FontWeight','bold');
ylabel('[B] (\muM)','FontWeight','bold');
text('str',['Avg. period = ',num2str(mean(avg_p)),' s',', No. of oscillations = ',num2str(length(pks))],'Position',[35.2053285725084 0.0327449926039681 0]);
xlabel('Time (s)','FontWeight','bold');
ylabel('[A] (\muM)','FontWeight','bold');
fprintf('\nFinish: %s \n ', datestr(datetime('now')))
To see the oscillations without the disturbance , comment the if loop.
I would like to get a result like this
where, the dashed line is the shifted oscillation (desired result) and the dotted line is the natural oscillation without the disturbance.
But, instead, I get this
Can anyone tell me how I should code in order to get the desired results?

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