Using interp2 function on a 2-dimensional sine wave

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Hi, I have tried using the interp2 matlab function to interpolate a 2-dimensional sine wave.
Is this the result I should expect? Is there any way to compare the differences between the interpolated output to the original waveform?
Here's how the program goes:
% 2-dimensional interpolation
%original waveform
Fs=130; %sampling frequency
xi=(0:63); yi=(0:63);
[Xi,Yi]=meshgrid(xi,yi); % 64 samples
Z0 = sin(2*pi*30/Fs*Xi) + cos(2*pi*20/Fs*Yi);
%reduce sampling freq by 2 times
Fi=Fs/2; %sampling frequency/2
x=(0:63); y=(0:63);
[X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y); % 64 samples
Z = sin(2*pi*30/Fi*X) + cos(2*pi*20/Fi*Y);
%plot original waveform figure(1) surf(Xi,Yi,Z0); xlabel Xi ylabel Yi grid on title 'Original waveform'
%plot waveform on sample grid figure(2) surf(Xi,Yi,Z); xlabel X ylabel Y grid on title 'Original waveform on sample grid'
%plot Interpolated waveform figure(3) surf(xi,yi,Zi); xlabel xi ylabel yi grid on title 'interpolated waveform'

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