Sorting Data in MAtrix1 referencing matrix2

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Matt Mallory
Matt Mallory on 29 Jun 2017
Commented: Jan on 30 Jun 2017
Hello, I have dataset A which is a 326x1 matrix that needs to be sorted. I have a reference matrix B, that is 300x2. Each data point in A is paired with another data point within A. The pairing is determined by the pairing across columns in B. How do I generate Apaired which is a 163x2 matrix correctly paired according to B?
Thanks for helping an inexperienced matlaber!
  1 Comment
dpb on 29 Jun 2017
Don't follow the arrangement described, sorry. Show us 10 or so elements of the two files as example and then the expected output.
How does the difference in lengths work (although perhaps it will become clear if we see the above example).

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Answers (3)

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 30 Jun 2017
n = numel(B);
b0 = interp1((1:n)',B(:),linspace(1,n,numel(A))');
[~,i0] = sort(b0);
a0 = sort(A);
[~,i1] = sort(i0);
Apaired = reshape(a0(i1),[],2);

Jan on 30 Jun 2017
Edited: Jan on 30 Jun 2017
I'm not sure if I understand the question correctly. This code searches for occurrences of the elements of A in B(:, 1) and creates the matrix Apaired consisting of the found elements in the 1st column and the corresponding elements of B(:, 2) in the 2nd column:
[LiA, LocB] = ismember(A, B(:, 1));
Apaired = [A(LiA), B(LocB(LiA), 2)]
If John BG's answer produces the wanted result, use this much more efficient version:
A2 = A(B)
It is a good programing practice to avoid the iterative growing of an array, because this is extremely expensive. You see a corresponding MLint warning in the editor and should consider this hint carefully.

John BG
John BG on 29 Jun 2017
Edited: John BG on 30 Jun 2017
Hi Matt
Let be a shorter sample of data to illustrate how to generate the sought vector:
A=randi([-10 10],1,10) % data matrix
-7 3 8 0 4 -7 10 1 4 -10
generating the indexing matrix
B=randi([1 size(A,2)],2,9) % pairing matrix
9 2 4 4 2 1 7 2 8
8 6 6 5 3 10 10 10 6
pairing A according to B
[s1 s2]=size(B)
for k=1:1:s2
B0=[A(B(1,k)); A(B(2,k))];
A2=[A2 B0];
A2 =
4 3 0 0 3 -7 10 3 1
1 -7 -7 4 8 -10 -10 -10 -7
if you find this answer useful would you please be so kind to consider marking my answer as Accepted Answer?
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thanks in advance
John BG

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