accuracy of fzero in finallzeros.m

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Thijs on 19 Apr 2012
I am trying to solve a non-linear equation for multiple roots. I use a routine called findallzeros.m which calls fzero to find the roots. The routine works fine, however I can't figure out how to set the required accuracy (normally done by the TolX option of fzero) of the solution.
Any helpfull suggestions would be very much appreciated.
The matlab code:
function x = findallzeros( fhandle, xguess, maxroots)
% x = findallzeros( fhandle, xguess, maxroots)
% ==================================
% attemps to find multiple roots of a function.
% fhandle = function handle, prefix by @
% xguess = a scalar value used as initial guess
% ( = 0 if not supplied )
% maxroots = the number of roots needed
% ( = 1 if not supplied )
% (c) 2005 by Tomas Co
% @ Michigan Technological University
x = [ ];
if nargin==1
xguess =0;
maxroots = 1;
if nargin==2
maxroots = 1;
nroots = 0;
while nroots<maxroots
if abs(feval(fhandle,xguess,[ ]))<=1e-16,
% xguess results in zero value of objective function fhandle
% --> xroot = xguess
% options = optimset('TolX',2*eps(x));
% options = optimset('TolX',1e-12);
[xroot,val,flag,output] = fzero(fhandle,xguess,[ ],x);
% val is the value of the objective function (should converge
% to zero).
% x is the vector of old roots ?
% flag describes the exit condition of fzero;
% when flag = 1, fzero converged to solution xroot;
% when flag < 0, fzero could not find a solution
if flag <= 0
the function:
function f = test( x,oldroots )
% this funcion is called by the findallzeros function to find all roots
% of function f
aspectratio = 5; %aspect ratio of spherocylinder: L/D
denom = pi./6 + (pi./4).*aspectratio;
C1STAR = 2.*aspectratio.^(2)./denom; %coefficient one of excluded volume expression
% calculate Aresn_alpha = f
y = 0.425; %packing fraction
G = (4.*y - 3.*y.^2)./(8.*(1-y).^2); %scaling factor: Areshs/8Nkt
% Calculate modified Bessel functions I2 and I3
I2 = besseli(2,2.*x);
I3 = besseli(3,2.*x);
I2prime = 2.*(I3 + I2./x); %derivative of I2(2*alpha) to alpha
Q1 = G.*C1STAR.*pi;
dummy1 = (1/sinh(x).^2).*( I2prime./2 - coth(x).*I2 );
f = 1./x - atan(sinh(x)).*cosh(x)./sinh(x).^2 + Q1.*dummy1;
if length( oldroots ) > 0 ,
f = f/polyval( poly ( oldroots ), x );
Note that fhandle = @test.
Thanks in advance!

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 19 Apr 2012
Uncomment the line
% options = optimset('TolX',1e-12);
and change the tolerance to whatever you want.
Then on the next line, change
[xroot,val,flag,output] = fzero(fhandle,xguess,[ ],x);
[xroot,val,flag,output] = fzero(@(g) fhandle(g,x),xguess,options);
Warning: the existing code is not correct even for using the default tolerance. Unless perhaps it was supported in a much earlier MATLAB, additional arguments cannot be passed to the target function by including the arguments directly in the fzero() call.


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