Variable step size integration

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James Wright
James Wright on 26 May 2012
Hi, I've written a multi Symplectic integrator and want to make the program vary it's step size depending on the dynamics. I have written a program which I believe does this, but it takes much longer than the original, and the longer the time I want to integrate over, the worse it gets. i.e. time 0:50 it takes 33 times as long, 0:500 it took 147 times as long, 0:1000 I gave up waiting after 10 minutes. This is a big problem as I wish to be able to integrate from 0:500000 and longer. If anyone can see how I can either speed my code up, or suggest a different, faster method, it'd be a great help. See below for both codes. Thanks,
First here is my initial integrator
function [U] = ConformalSymplecticCubic2(eps,y,tspan,x0,h)
% eps is a parameter (0.1 in my case)
% y is another parameter which represents dissipation
% this should be taken to be small, i.e 0.0005 or less
% tspan is a vector [tstart,tfinal]
% x0 is a vector for the initial conditions [x,x']
% h is the step size to be used, I use 0.01
N = (tspan(2)-tspan(1))/h;
%setting vector sizes
U = zeros(N,2);
t = zeros(N,1);
t(1) = tspan(1);
%assigning inital values
U(1,1) = x0(1);
U(1,2) = x0(2);
for i=2:N
U(i,2) = exp(-h*y)*U(i-1,2) - h*(1+eps*cos(t(i-1)))*(U(i-1,1))^3;
U(i,1) = U(i-1,1) + (h)*U(i,2);
t(i) = t(i-1) + h;
And here is the one with the variable step size
function [U] = ConformalSymplecticCubic2while(eps,y,tspan,x0,h)
Tol = 10^(-5);
cmax = 20;
Utemp = zeros(2,2);
Utemp2 = zeros(3,2);
ttemp = zeros(3,1);
t = tspan(1);
U(1,1) = x0(1);
U(1,2) = x0(2);
D = exp(-h*y);
i = 2;
while t < tspan(2)
% Integrate for original step size %
U(i,2) = D*U(i-1,2) - h*(1+eps*cos(t))*(U(i-1,1))^3;
U(i,1) = U(i-1,1) + (h)*U(i,2);
% Finished initial integration now %
% checking for smaller step size %
c = 0;
dist = 1;
htemp2 = h;
Utemp(1,1) = U(i-1,1);
Utemp(1,2) = U(i-1,2);
Utemp2(1,1) = Utemp(1,1);
Utemp2(1,2) = Utemp(1,2);
Utemp2(2,1) = U(i,1);
Utemp2(2,2) = U(i,2);
ttemp(1) = t;
while dist > Tol && c <= cmax
%Makes distance of next integration
%half of this time round (should it
%be needed)
Utemp(2,1) = Utemp2(2,1);
Utemp(2,2) = Utemp2(2,2);
c = c+1;
htemp = htemp2;
%setting up initial temporary constants
norm1 = sqrt(Utemp(2,1)^2 + Utemp(2,2)^2);
htemp2 = htemp/2;
Dtemp = exp(-htemp2*y);
% Integrating for half step size of %
% previous integration %
for k = 2:3
Utemp2(k,2) = Dtemp*Utemp2(k-1,2) - htemp2*(1+eps*cos(ttemp(k-1)))*(Utemp2(k-1,1)^3);
Utemp2(k,1) = Utemp2(k-1,1) + htemp2*Utemp2(k,2);
ttemp(k) = ttemp(k-1) + htemp2;
% Checking distance between last 2 %
% Integrations %
norm2 = sqrt(Utemp2(3,1)^2 + Utemp2(3,2)^2);
dist = abs(norm1 - norm2);
if c == cmax
S = 1;
U(i,1) = Utemp(2,1);
U(i,2) = Utemp(2,2);
t = t+htemp;
i = i +1;
Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov on 26 May 2012
Supply an example of call to
so that we can run it and profile.
James Wright
James Wright on 26 May 2012
will run my previous program, for comparison of speed.

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Answers (2)

Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov on 26 May 2012
You know t, htemp, and tspan(2), then you should preallocate. It will speed up things.
James Wright
James Wright on 26 May 2012
but htemp changes, so I don't know how many time steps will be taken, so I can't preallocate. I have preallocated where I know sizes
Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov on 26 May 2012
Not trivial, but you could preallocate for known h, then whenever htemp2 halves add additional space (that can be calculated since htemp2 is a known function of h). It will be less expensive to dynamically preallocate than to grow U.
Now, since I stated "not trivial" and not being an expert in numerical integration I would recommend looking around for known algorithms on how to approach this problem before stepping into dynamic preallocation.

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John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 26 May 2012
It looks like you have not learned why it is good to preallocate some arrays. Instead, they keep growing. Perhaps this is time to learn that lesson.


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