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Foreground Detection of Mouse on Background Issues

1 view (last 30 days)
I have been trying my best to get an object tracking feature of Matlab to work on some video of a mouse that I have. It works decently at the moment, but it is not as accurate as I would like. Often the mouse appears misshapen or has some other deformities when analyzing the foreground mask. Attached are gifs of an example mouse video I was using, as well as an example of what the foreground produced. Below is some of my code I am using to create the foreground:
videoReader = vision.VideoFileReader(filename);
videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer('Position',[200,200,500,400]);
foregroundDetector = vision.ForegroundDetector('NumTrainingFrames', 500, ...
'InitialVariance', 0.05);
blobAnalyzer = vision.BlobAnalysis('AreaOutputPort', false, ...
'MinimumBlobArea', 70);
while ~isDone(videoReader)
colorImage = step(videoReader);
bw_file = rgb2gray(colorImage);
% get background approximation of surface (lighting and stuff)
background = imopen(bw_file,strel('disk',35));
% Display the Background Approximation as a Surface
ax = gca;
ax.YDir = 'reverse';
% Remove Background Approximation
bw2 = bw_file - background;
foregroundMask = foregroundDetector(bw2);
foregroundMask = bwareaopen(foregroundMask, 15);
foregroundMask = imfill(foregroundMask, 'holes');
Does anyone have any idea of how I can get the foreground to be more accurate?

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