How to plot viewshed output in webmap?

2 views (last 30 days)
I have an output from viewshed (both the map itself (0 where there is no line of site and 1 where there is line of site) along with the reference vector). I would like to be able to plot this as an overlay in the web map display browser using the open street map data.
I currently write this overlay as a png and display it in Google Earth however due to licensing reasons I would prefer to use open street map data in the finished product.
I can open a webmap display easily enough (webmap('Open Street Map')) and select the area I wish to view etc however I am less sure how to plot the output of vmap onto it. I believe it should be possible using the wmpolygon command ( however I am unsure how to convert the viewshed data into a suitable format. Please could someone explain how to go about doing this.
The vmap output is created per the documentation with the following command: [vmap,vmapl] = viewshed(map,refvec,lat,lon,altobs,alttarg,'MSL','AGL',Re,4/3*Re);
The reference vector is a GeographicCellsRefernceVector.
Many thanks, Benjamin

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