Reading data from a text file

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Bry S
Bry S on 1 Sep 2012
Hi everyone!
I have a data text file with the first four lines that look like this:
0 {1123 13.17 4.90 3.05} {1303 13.52 9.78 6.74}
2 {685 24.39 26.71 13.36}
3 {685 24.33 26.60 13.78} {1045 24.31 21.47 14.67}
The first line begins with "0" followed by two sets of data enclosed by {}
The second line begins with "1" with no sets of data
The third line begins with "2" with 1 set set of data enclosed with {}
Lastly, the fourth line begins with 3 with 2 sets of data within {}
I cannot use textscan to read this data file since the format varies in each line. What I would like to do is to make it like this
For each line, I should get n by 4 matrix where n is the number of data sets enclosed by {}. Therefore I plan to have a Matlab variable C such that for each line = k, I get
for k=line
for n=number of data sets enclosed by {}
As an example for C{1,1}, I should get a 2 by 4 matrix of the form
1123 13.17 4.90 3.05
1303 13.52 9.78 6.74
Please help me how to make this work.

Accepted Answer

Sven on 2 Sep 2012
Edited: Sven on 2 Sep 2012
Hi Bry
This code should work just fine to do what you describe. It uses a regular expression at each line of the text file to match the "{1 2 3 4}" pattern:
fid = fopen('myFile.txt');
allMatches = cell(1000,1); % Just initialise to some large number
cellNo = 0;
tline = fgetl(fid);
while ischar(tline)
matchedStrs = regexp(tline, '\{[^\{]*\}','match');
if ~isempty(matchedStrs)
cellNo = cellNo + 1;
cellContents = cell2mat(cellfun(@(str)cell2mat(textscan(str,'{%f %f %f %f}',1)),matchedStrs','Un',0));
allMatches{cellNo} = cellContents;
tline = fgetl(fid);
allMatches = allMatches(1:cellNo); % Trim off the empty cells that we initialised
  1 Comment
Bry S
Bry S on 2 Sep 2012
I thank you very much for the answer. I havent tried it but I think it should work fine for what I need. Hoping to hear from you again should I need help.
My sincerest thanks,

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