how do I dynamically change variable name for dataset array?

12 views (last 30 days)
I want to change the names of the dataset arrays. For instance, I want hour1, hour2, hour3, day1, day2, day3, fivemin1, fivemin2, and fivemin3. Unfortunately, I am getting variables with those names, but not in the way that I want. All the values are getting placed into variablea hour, day, and fivemin.
hour = dataset
day = dataset
fivemin = dataset
for i = 1:3
eval(sprintf('hour%d = [1:i]', i))
eval(sprintf('day%d = [1:i]', i))
eval(sprintf('fivemin%d = [1:i]', i))
fileName = ['GPL_OCT_' num2str(i) '_hour.xls']
hour = [hour; dataset('xlsfile', fileName)]
fileName = ['GPL_OCT_' num2str(i) '_hour.xls']
day = [day; dataset('xlsfile', fileName)]
fileName = ['GPL_OCT_' num2str(i) '_5min.xls']
fivemin = [fivemin; dataset('xlsfile', fileName)]

Answers (2)

Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub on 6 Nov 2012

Stephen23 on 12 Jan 2016
Edited: Stephen23 on 19 Jun 2019

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