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How can I count one matrix in big another matrix ?

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Hamid MF
Hamid MF on 8 Nov 2012
Closed: MATLAB Answer Bot on 20 Aug 2021
Hi guys I'm trying to writing program to classified many images (hand writing alphabet for arabic font like 'ا' ) so i decided to convert them into binary images then I used one function to get Skeleton of the font. after that I figured out I can count the edge of alphabet with this algorithm for example We have
A=[ 0 0 0 0 0 ;
0 0 1 0 0 ;
0 0 1 0 0 ;
0 0 1 0 0 ;
0 0 0 0 0 ]
I have to find out how many
B=[ 0 0 0;
0 1 0;
0 1 0 ]
C=[ 0 1 0;
0 1 0;
0 0 0 ]
available in A matrix ?
output must return 2 for this example, so the edges are 2
Are there any functions in matlab to do this ?
Thank You for your helping ...

Answers (2)

Matt Fig
Matt Fig on 8 Nov 2012
Edited: Matt Fig on 8 Nov 2012
There may be something in the IPT that does this, or you can try this FEX file out:
A=[0 0 0 0 0;0 0 1 0 0;0 0 1 0 0;0 0 1 0 0;0 0 0 0 0];
B=[0 0 0;0 1 0;0 1 0];
C=[0 1 0;0 1 0;0 0 0];
findsubmat(A,B) % Returns index of location of B in A.
length(findsubmat(A,C)) % Returns num of Cs in A.
Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 8 Nov 2012
Edited: Sean de Wolski on 8 Nov 2012
I think this is kind of what bwhitmiss does. Though I would probably just use conv2 and some logical conditions:

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 9 Nov 2012
Sean's solution will do what you asked, but you might want to look into normxcorr2() which would do a better job of finding the whole character. In fact it might even do a better job if you don't convert to binary. Okay, you're probably wondering how you can use this strange new function. Well, I have a demo for that (like dozens of other things). Here it is:
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
imtool close all; % Close all imtool figures.
clear; % Erase all existing variables.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
format longg;
format compact;
fontSize = 20;
% Check that user has the Image Processing Toolbox installed.
hasIPT = license('test', 'image_toolbox');
if ~hasIPT
% User does not have the toolbox installed.
message = sprintf('Sorry, but you do not seem to have the Image Processing Toolbox.\nDo you want to try to continue anyway?');
reply = questdlg(message, 'Toolbox missing', 'Yes', 'No', 'Yes');
if strcmpi(reply, 'No')
% User said No, so exit.
% Read in a standard MATLAB color demo image.
folder = fullfile(matlabroot, '\toolbox\images\imdemos');
baseFileName = 'peppers.png';
% Get the full filename, with path prepended.
fullFileName = fullfile(folder, baseFileName);
if ~exist(fullFileName, 'file')
% Didn't find it there. Check the search path for it.
fullFileName = baseFileName; % No path this time.
if ~exist(fullFileName, 'file')
% Still didn't find it. Alert user.
errorMessage = sprintf('Error: %s does not exist.', fullFileName);
rgbImage = imread(fullFileName);
% Get the dimensions of the image. numberOfColorBands should be = 3.
[rows columns numberOfColorBands] = size(rgbImage);
% Display the original color image.
subplot(2, 2, 1);
imshow(rgbImage, []);
axis on;
title('Original Color Image', 'FontSize', fontSize);
% Enlarge figure to full screen.
set(gcf, 'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
smallSubImage = imcrop(rgbImage, [192 82 60 52]);
subplot(2, 2, 2);
imshow(smallSubImage, []);
axis on;
title('Template Image to Search For', 'FontSize', fontSize);
% Search the red channel for a match.
correlationOutput = normxcorr2(smallSubImage(:,:,1), rgbImage(:,:,1));
subplot(2, 2, 3);
imshow(correlationOutput, []);
title('Correlation Output', 'FontSize', fontSize);
[maxCorrValue, maxIndex] = max(abs(correlationOutput(:)));
[ypeak, xpeak] = ind2sub(size(correlationOutput),maxIndex(1));
corr_offset = [(xpeak-size(smallSubImage,2)) (ypeak-size(smallSubImage,1))];
subplot(2, 2, 4);
hold on;
rectangle('position',[corr_offset(1) corr_offset(2) 50 50],...
title('Template Image Found in Original Image', 'FontSize', fontSize);

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