Grouping data from grp2idx output

5 views (last 30 days)
Keith on 26 Nov 2012
I have an nx3 cell array, where n>1000, containing file info from a directory and its subfolders.
exampleFileInfo = {'/path/to/subfolder', 'filename', 'ext'; '/path/to/subfolder', 'filename', 'ext'};
I would like to group this data so that groupData{i} returns a cell array of the files in the ith subfolder.
[ind, dirStr] = grp2idx returns a nx1 array of indecies where exampleFileInfo{i, 1} is in the directory represented by the value of ind{i}, and that directory path is returned by dirStr(ind(i)).
What is the best way to produce the groupData array where groupData{i} contains all the filenames in directory dirStr(ind(i)).
My current code works but uses a for loop, is there a better way of doing this?
currDir = uigetdir;
dirLst = rdir([currDir, '\**\*.ext']);
fileNames = strrep({}', currDir, '');
filePathInfo = cell(numel(fileNames), 3);
[filePathInfo(:, 1), filePathInfo(:, 2), filePathInfo(:, 3)] = cellfun(@(f) fileparts(f), fileNames, 'UniformOutput', false);
[groupID, groupString] = grp2idx(filePathInfo(:, 1));
fileInfo = cell(max(groupID), 1);
ids = min(groupID):max(groupID);
for i = min(groupID):max(groupID)
indecies{i} = find(groupID==i);
groupFiles{i} = filePathInfo(indecies{i}, 2);

Answers (1)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski on 27 Nov 2012
If what you have works, I would use it!
Just make sure to preallocate the cells befor ethe for-loop
groupFiles = cell(max(groupID),1);
indecies = groupFiles;
for ii = ...


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