Compare two images[Binary] using moment and fourier descriptor

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  • Hi
  • I have some Binary images with the same size .
  • what can I do to compare two images(same size) with moment and fourier descriptor?
  • I've already searched in the internet but I found nothing useful about that.
  • anyone can explain what should I do?
  • Are there any Toolbox in matlab to help me?
  • I found the functions that calculate moment and Fourier Descriptor but I don't know how I use them.
function outmom = raw_moments(im,i,j)
outmom = sum(sum( ((1:size(im,1))'.^j * (1:size(im,2)).^i) .* im ));
function cmom = central_moments(im,i,j)
rawm00 = raw_moments(im,0,0);
centroids = [raw_moments(im,1,0)/rawm00 , raw_moments(im,0,1)/rawm00];
cmom = sum(sum( (([1:size(im,1)]-centroids(2))'.^j * ...
([1:size(im,2)]-centroids(1)).^i) .* im ));
function z = frdescp(s)
%FRDESCP Computes Fourier descriptors.
% Z = FRDESCP(S) computes the Fourier descriptors of S, which is an
% np-by-2 sequence of image coordinates describing a boundary.
% Due to symmetry considerations when working with inverse Fourier
% descriptors based on fewer than np terms, the number of points in
% S when computing the descriptors must be even. If the number of
% points is odd, FRDESCP duplicates the end point and adds it at
% the end of the sequence. If a different treatment is desired, the
% sequence must be processed externally so that it has an even
% number of points.
% See function IFRDESCP for computing the inverse descriptors.
% Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins
% Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004
% $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2003/10/26 23:13:28 $
% Preliminaries
[np, nc] = size(s);
if nc ~= 2
error('S must be of size np-by-2.');
if np/2 ~= round(np/2);
s(end + 1, :) = s(end, :);
np = np + 1;
% Create an alternating sequence of 1s and -1s for use in centering
% the transform.
x = 0:(np - 1);
m = ((-1) .^ x)';
% Multiply the input sequence by alternating 1s and -1s to
% center the transform.
s(:, 1) = m .* s(:, 1);
s(:, 2) = m .* s(:, 2);
% Convert coordinates to complex numbers.
s = s(:, 1) + i*s(:, 2);
% Compute the descriptors.
z = fft(s);
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