Record output played using wavread and save in a wav file.....

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I have concatenated wav files using wavread and playing it from audioplayer function.... I am not able to record...... If i use audiorecorder function the clarity is bad........ help me out

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 3 Jan 2013
Don't try to record the output audio. wavwrite() the concatenated data to a new file.
sp on 4 Jan 2013
Can you give me gud example of wavwrite.... wavwrite(y,Fs,filename) writes the data stored in the variable y to a WAVE file called filename.... should the data be in .mat format...?? i hav concatenated file with some values for 55000 rows and 2 columns which i am able play using audioplayer... but need to save in wav file format...
sp on 4 Jan 2013
i debugged the error...thank you...wavwrite() is working

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