Strange Error from codegen: "Error indenting generated C code"

3 views (last 30 days)
I'm getting a strange error from the codegen tool.
Using the command:
outDir = 'C:\somedir';
strFileName = 'main.m';
I get this error:
??? Error indenting generated C code.
Error in ==> main Line: 1 Column: 1
Code generation failed: Open error report.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the main.m file:
function [ ] = main( )
global delay counter
mc_pll_init(); % Initialize the hardware
mc_lcd_init(); % Initialize the LCD
mc_lcd_println('Real Time Interrupt',0);
mc_lcd_println(' ',1);
delay = 0;
counter = 0;
%setup realtime interrupt
RTICTL = uint8(hex2dec('28')); % set RTI timming: 8MHz / (9 * 2^11) = 434.02778 MHz or 2.304 ms
CRGINT = uint8(hex2dec('80')); % enable RTI interrupt
CRGFLG = uint8(hex2dec('80')); % clear rti flag */
cnt = 1;
while (1)
PORTB = uint8(cnt);
mc_lcd_println('cnt = %-16d', cnt, 1);
cnt = cnt * 2;
if (cnt > 255)
cnt = 1;
and here is the configuration of the coder object config passed in the command line (any configuration settings not listed are default):
config = coder.CodeConfig;
config.Name = 'Real-Time Workshop';
config.Description = 'Generic Real-Time Target';
config.TargetLang = 'C';
config.Verbose = true;%false;
config.GenCodeOnly = true;
config.GenerateMakefile = false;
config.GenerateReport = false;
config.LaunchReport = false;
config.FilePartitionMethod = 'SingleFile';
config.MaxIdLength = 31;
config.CCompilerOptimization = 'off';
config.CCompilerCustomOptimizations = '';
config.MakeCommand = 'make_rtw';
config.TemplateMakefile = 'grt_default_tmf';
config.PostCodeGenCommand = '';
config.CustomHeaderCode = '';
config.CustomSourceCode = sprintf('#include "MCU.h"');
config.CustomInitializer = '';
config.CustomTerminator = '';
config.CustomInclude = '';
config.CustomSource = '';
config.CustomLibrary = '';
config.ReservedNameArray = '';
config.ConstantFoldingTimeout = 10000;
config.InlineThreshold = 10;
config.InlineThresholdMax = 200;
config.InlineStackLimit = 4000;
config.SaturateOnIntegerOverflow = true;
config.StackUsageMax = 200000;
config.EnableVariableSizing = true;

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