How to include two objective functions in a Goal Attainment Problem

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I have been working on a multiobjective optimization problem that includes two objective functions:
E = (-1*(ExpUnitProfit*ExpMarkShareEWP));
F = (ExpUnitWarCost + (Pprime*(Cs*(1-ExpUnitWarCostwithoutCs))*(ExpUnitWarCostPrimes-ExpUnitWarCostwithoutCs)))/P;
I currently have my goal set to a [1x1] vector but I need it to take two separate goal values. Currently my program runs with no errors but I don't believe it utilizes the 2nd function for the goal attainment.
I've been wondering what's the best way to write in my 2 objective functions because its obviously not right. In other words: - How do I include both my objective functions? - How do you create a goal vector containing the two goals of the objective function -.04 and .2 respectively. Below is my problem.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
function [history,searchdir] = GoalAttainP1
% Set up shared variables with OUTFUN
history.x = [];
history.fval = [];
searchdir = [];
% call optimization
x0 = [3,2,4,8,10];
goal = [-.04];
weight = abs(goal);
options = optimset('outputfcn',@outfun,'display','iter',...
[x,fval] = fgoalattain(@MaxFunctionProblem,x0,goal,weight,[],[],[],[],[],[],@confun,options);
function stop = outfun(x,optimValues,state)
stop = false;
switch state
case 'init'
hold on
case 'iter'
% Concatenate current point and objective function
% value with history. x must be a row vector.
history.fval = [history.fval; optimValues.fval];
history.x = [history.x; x];
% Concatenate current search direction with
% searchdir.
searchdir = [searchdir;...
% Label points with iteration number and add title.
% Add .15 to x(1) to separate label from plotted 'o'
title('Sequence of Points Computed by fmincon');
case 'done'
hold off
P = x(1)
W = x(2)
U = x(3)
Wprime = x(4)
Uprime = x(5)
function [E,F] = MaxFunctionProblem(x)
P = x(1);
W = x(2);
U = x(3);
Wprime = x(4);
Uprime = x(5);
% Function Formulations
% Multiobjective function
Theta0 = .005;
Theta1 = .01;
Theta2 = 0.01;
Theta3 = 0.02;
L = 5;
i = 1.5;
e = 1.2;
v = (0.15*P);
Pprime = 0.2;
m = 0;
n = 6;
r = 0.0001;
vgam = 2;
Gr = 1/(n-m);
%Gr = ((exp(-r))*(r^(vgam-1)))/(gamma(vgam));
D1 = 0.2;
a = 2;
b = 0.2;
d = 0.1;
k = 1;
P1 = 1;
P2 = 6;
W1 = 1;
W2 = 5;
U1 = 1;
U2 = 6;
W3 = 10;
a2 = 0.01;
b2 = 0.005;
g = 0.1;
t = 0;
t2 = 0.0001;
r2 = 0.0001;
Inf = 50;
% Expected Unit Profit
% Unknown variables: P,W,U, Uprime, Unit Price
% P = unit price
% v = unit premium
% Expected Unit Production Costs
LtrEUPC = (Theta0+Theta1)*((m+n)/2);
FuncEct = @(t,L)(a2 + (b2/((LtrEUPC)^i)))*(1-(g*(t)));
ECTf = integral(FuncEct,t,L);
%%%%%%Expected Unit Profit %%%%%%
Lfun = @(t,r)(Theta0+(Theta1*r)+((Theta2+(Theta3*r)).*t)*Gr);
Lfun2 = @(t)((Theta0+(Theta1*r)+((Theta2+(Theta3*r)).*t)));
Sum1 = 0;
%j=1; %place holder for vector storage
L1 = integral2(Lfun,t2,W,r2,(U/W));
Dr = .0001;
for r = (U/W):Inf
% Gr = ((exp(-r))*(r^(vgam-1)))/(gamma(vgam));
Lq3 = integral(Lfun2,t,(U/r));
Sum1 = Sum1 + (Lq3*Gr*Dr);
L2 = Sum1;
Cs = 0.05*P;
ExpUnitWarCost = Cs*(L1 + L2);
ExpUnitWarCostwithoutCs = (L1 + L2);
ExpUnitProfit = (P + v) - ECTf - ExpUnitWarCost;
%%%%Expected Unit Warranty Costs with Uprime and Wprime
for r = (Uprime/Wprime):Inf
% Gr = ((exp(-r))*(r^(vgam-1)))/(gamma(vgam));
Lq3 = integral(Lfun2,t,(Uprime/r));
Sum1 = Sum1 + (Lq3*Gr*Dr);
L2 = Sum1;
ExpUnitWarCostPrimes = (L1 + L2);
%%%%%%Expected increase in market share %%%%%%
D = D1/((P1^(-a))*((W2 + k)^b)*U2^d);
Q = (D*(P^(-a))*((W + k)^b)*(U^d));
Qprime = (D*(P^(-a))*((Wprime + k)^b)*(((Uprime)^d)*((1 + v)^(-e))));
ExpIncMarketShare = (Pprime*Qprime) + ((1 - Pprime))*Q - Q;
%%%%%%Unit Price %%%%%
UnitPrice = P;
%%%%%%Market share without extension of warranty %%%%%%
MarShareWOExtWar = Q;
%%%%%%Expected Share under Enterprise Warranty Program %%%%%%
ExpMarkShareEWP = (Pprime*Qprime) + ((1-Pprime)*Q);
E = (-1*(ExpUnitProfit*ExpMarkShareEWP));
F = (ExpUnitWarCost + (Pprime*(Cs*(1-ExpUnitWarCostwithoutCs))*(ExpUnitWarCostPrimes-ExpUnitWarCostwithoutCs)))/P;
%SizeofF = size(F);
disp(['ExpUnitProfit = ',num2str(ExpUnitProfit)])
disp(['ExpMarkShareEWP = ',num2str(ExpMarkShareEWP)])
% disp(['E = ',num2str(E)])
% disp(['MaxFunctionProblem = ',num2str(MaxFunctionProblem)])
disp (['r = ',num2str(r)])
disp (['Theta0 = ',num2str(Theta0)])
disp (['Theta0 = ',num2str(Theta1)])
disp (['Theta0 = ',num2str(Theta2)])
disp (['Theta0 = ',num2str(Theta3)])
disp (['L = ',num2str(L)])
disp (['i = ',num2str(i)])
disp (['Qprime = ',num2str(Qprime)])
disp (['e = ',num2str(e)])
disp (['v = ',num2str(v)])
disp (['Pprime = ',num2str(Pprime)])
disp (['Gr = ',num2str(Gr)])
function [c, ceq] = confun(x)
P = x(1);
W = x(2);
U = x(3);
Wprime = x(4);
Uprime = x(5);
P1 = 1;
P2 = 6;
W1 = 1;
W2 = 5;
U1 = 1;
U2 = 6;
W3 = 10;
U3 = 12;
Cp = 0.05;
c = [-P + P1;
P - P2;
-W + W1;
W - W2;
-U + U1;
U - U2;
-Wprime + W
Wprime - W3
-Uprime + U
Uprime - U3
-ExpUnitProfit+(Cp*P) ];
ceq = [];
% To run the program, enter the below command:
% [history searchdir] = fminconexe2
% reference

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