Feature selection using clustering

2 views (last 30 days)
Kamil on 28 Apr 2011
I have to select features using clastering method - Ward's algorithm.
Short description of dataset: 16000 records, 5400 features (float) each record. I make some subset because working on the full set causes out of memory.
Reading Matlab docs it is quite easy:
X = load('subset.data');
Y = pdist(X);
Z = linkage(Y,'ward');
T = cluster(Z,'maxclust',2); % I set 2 clasters because in my dataset is 2 classes of objects. But now, I'm not sure if it is ok.
% PCA visualization
[W, pc] = princomp(X);
And now, I don't know what to do next. How can I select features? Now, I think that instead of Y = pdist(X) it should be Y = pdist(X'), because I want to have clusters of features and than select some of them, right? But the problem is Y = pdist(X') causes out of memory. I would be greatful for answer, if my way of thinking is correct.
Thank you in advance!

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