Graphical representation of Ping

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tyler on 8 Mar 2013
Hello ,
I hope anyone can answer this question!!
I want to represent ping result of an IP address using matlab in a graphical way .i am pinging the IP: using this command : [status, result] = dos('ping', '-echo') and getting the following :
result =
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=10ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=64
Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Is there any way to take the time variable that is inside the result and plot a graph so the output of the graph looks close to this :
10ms| *
8ms| *
4ms| *
2ms| *
-|-----------------------> PING NUMBER
1st 2nd 3rd 4th# Item one
# Item two
tyler on 8 Mar 2013
Edited: tyler on 8 Mar 2013
Do i have to modify that expression?
because after i tried it i got this:
>> time = cellfun(@(y)(str2double(y{2})), regexp(result, '(time=)(\d[\d]*\.\d[\d]*)', 'tokens'))
time =
I really appreciate your help Daniel :)
tyler on 8 Mar 2013
I also tried time[=<] instead of time=
but still getting an empty array for the time variable .
please advise :) Thanks

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Answers (2)

Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub on 8 Mar 2013
Edited: Daniel Shub on 8 Mar 2013
You can extract the time data with a regular expression
time = cellfun(@(y)(str2double(y{2})), regexp(result, '(time[=<])([\d]*\.[\d]*)', 'tokens'))
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 9 Mar 2013
Tyler, Daniel's expression
time = cellfun(@(y)(str2double(y{2})), regexp(result, '(time[=<])([\d]*\.[\d]*)', 'tokens'))
is like writing
time = cellfun( @Convert_To_Number, regexp(result, '(time[=<])([\d]*\.[\d]*)', 'tokens') );
function result = Convert_To_Number( y )
result = str2double( y{2} );
That is, "y" is just the name of the variable used temporarily to perform the function.
Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub on 9 Mar 2013
My regexp is wrong. I don't use Windows so my ping returns something slightly different from yours. I didn't check to compare. My ping returns time as 20.2ms while yours does not have the decimal. The regexp looks for the word "time" followed by either = or <, and then followed by and number of digits (\d) a decimal point (\.) and en any number of digits. Since your ping does not return a decimal point just remove the \.[\d]* from the regexp. The y is just a fancy way of making cell fun work. Focus on getting regexp to return something meaningful.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 8 Mar 2013
plot(rand(1,10), 'LineStyle', 'none', 'Marker', '*')

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