Need help with plotting; colors disappear after setting the legend

2 views (last 30 days)
I'm trying to create a multi-colored plot, but once I set the location for the legend, the colors on the plot and on the legend revert to black.
If I remove the part of the code for the legend, the colors on the plot remain fine, so I assume the error lies in setting the legend.
Here's the code:
tm = zeros(3,group(1).ny);
hl = zeros(3,1);
proxycolor = zeros(3,3);
icon{1,1}= [1 0 0]; icon{1,2}= '^'; icon{1,3} = 'Raw Data';
icon{2,1}= [1 1 0]; icon{2,2}= 'v'; icon{2,3} = 'Quality Controlled Data';
icon{3,1}= [0 1 0]; icon{3,2}= '*'; icon{3,3} = 'Screened Data';
fig('Data Availability'),clf
m_grid('xtick',[0:60:360],'tickdir','out','ytick',[-90:30:90], 'color',dkgr, 'fontsize',8,'fontname','Times New Roman');
for j = 1:3
group(j).lon(group(j).lon<0) = group(j).lon(group(j).lon<0) + 360;
tm(j,:) = group(1).tm;
for j = 1:3
proxycolor(j,:) = icon{j,1};
%The problem lies below here somewhere
legend boxoff
What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 29 Mar 2013
The third output from legend(), the one you are setting the Color of, is the handles of the objects for which the legend was created, not the handles of the example lines created by legend. With the code you have, you are setting the color of the original lines. You should instead
set( findobj(OBJH,'Type','line'), 'Color', 'k', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'k', 'Markersize', 8)


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