createTasks and createJob command does not work when using nohup

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I use the nohup command to run my matlab program on a remote machine which is quad-core. I have to run the same program by changing some input parameters so I decided to try to utilize the parallel computing toolbox functions.

I have the following script :

          a_array = [0;1;2;3];
          jm = findResource('scheduler', 'Configuration', 'local');
          job_ss = createJob(jm, 'Name', 'unsteady_slab_porous');
          paths = {blah blah}
          set(job_ss, 'PathDependencies', paths);
          for i=1:length(a_array)
          createTask(job_ss, @my_function, 0, {a_array(i)});

when I run this on the matlab terminal it runs fine, however if I try to execute the script with the nohup command,the job fails. I am wondering if it is not possible to use nohup with createTask and createJob command at all.

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