How can i get rid of the "Error reported by S-Function 'scominterl' in 'Work1/LTE Turbo Encoder/Random Interleaver/General Block Interleaver': The number of elements in the input and output signals must match the length of the 'Elements' parameter

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Hi everyone, i am making madel for image transmission using Turbo codes over AWGN channel...In turbo coder i have used Random interleaver. The image i m trying to send is acquired from "From Video Device" which is an image Acquiring toolbox..It give me 1024x768 pixels in RGB format ie.3D matrix..But the encoder can not accept the 3D matrix so i am converting R,G,B 2D matrices into 1D matrices..that gives me vector data of size 786432...but when i run this model the error occurs in Interleaver..i do not understand this ..please help me<<>>

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