Wrong value for nargout in subsref of type {}, .

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I am overloading subsref in a class which implements a list.
function [varargout] = subsref(this, index)
switch index(1).type
case {'{}'}
vResult = this.GetItem(index(1).subs{:});
nResult = length(index);
if 1 == nResult
[varargout{1}] = vResult;
[varargout{1:nargout}] = builtin('subsref', vResult, index(2:nResult));
[varargout{1:nargout}] = builtin('subsref',this,index);
When I do the following:
list = ArrayList(); % new instance of my list class
sig = Simulink.Signal(); % create another object
list.Add(sig); % add the object to my list
list{1}.disp(); % call a method without a return value
I get the error:
??? Error using ==> disp
Too many output arguments.
This is because nargout returns 1 in my subsref method but builtin('subsref', ...) doesn't return anything.
[varargout{1:nargout}] = builtin('subsref', vResult, index(2:nResult));
I can change the value of nargout implementing the numel method. However, the number of return values depends on the method I call (disp in this case) and not the indeces supplied to {}. But in numel I only get the indices of {}.
Is there a solution for this problem?

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