How can I extract the algorithm's source code of Naive Bayes Classificator?

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I have used MATLAB's Naive Bayes Classificator as shown below for a given training data set called 'PlotArray' being an array:
% First model each variable in each class using a Gaussian distribution.
% nb =, classes)
nbGau =,1:14)),PlotArray(2:end,16));
% cpre = predict(nb, test-data)
nbGauClass= nbGau.predict(cell2mat(PlotArray(2:end,1:14)));
% bad: element '1' meaning classification error for Training data set
bad = ~strcmp(nbGauClass,PlotArray(2:end,16));
% number of measurement rows
N = size(PlotArray,1)-1;
% Resubstitution error:
nbGauResubErr = sum(bad) / N;
nbGauClassFun = @(xtrain,ytrain,xtest)...
(predict(,ytrain), xtest));
% use cvpartition to generate 10 disjoint stratified subsets.
cp = cvpartition(PlotArray(2:end,16),'k',10);
% cross-validation error
nbGauCVErr = crossval('mcr',cell2mat(PlotArray(2:end,1:14)),PlotArray(2:end,16),...
'predfun', nbGauClassFun,'partition',cp);
% Save results
Estimation_true = strcmp(PlotArray(2:end,16),nbGauClass);
ClassificationResult = [PlotArray, ['ClassificationResult';nbGauClass]];
for k4 = 1 : length(Estimation_true)
if Estimation_true(k4) == 1
ClassificationResult(1+k4,18) = {'y'};
ClassificationResult(1+k4,18) = {'NO!'};
The classification seems to work fine and I want to extract the mathematical algorithm for this classificator. How can I now get the source code of the trained classificator? What I mean is that I need simple mathematical operations that I can fit to another programming language such as python, C++, C#, Java or PLC-Code. How can I achieve this?

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