I've used ODE45 to solve an equation, now: How to use Runge-Kutta 4 and interpolation to find two specific values?

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Hi, first of all pardon my writing (English is not my native language) and the very long post I am about to put here. But I'm seriously stuck and need help :) I have solved the following equation using ODE45, with the purpose to calculate and plot power curves (see further below):
du = @(t,u)[ u(2); (2*u(1)/(1+u(1)^2))*u(2)^2-(1+u(1)^2)*u(1)/(L0*C) ];
It is a simple circuit consisting of a capacitor and a coil. The capacitor is charged to voltage U0. The coil contains iron and has power dependent inductance; L = L0 / (1 + I^2). At time t = 0, the circuit is closed and the oscillation process is determined by two relationships: U = L(dI/dt) (voltage across the inductor) and I = -C(dU/dt) (current through the capacitor).
The differential equation at the beginning (du) is deduced from the two expressions above.
At t = 0, i = 0 and dI / dt = U0/L0. The solution I(t) is a periodic function which is more or less sinusoidal depending of how the U0 value is selected.
Given data: L0 = 1.10 H, C = 0.85μF. I've been trying four values of U0, from 300 V when the iron core influence is almost negligible, then 1200, 1800 and 2700 V where the power-curve is not sinusoidallike any longer.
I have assessed the magnitude of the oscillation-time T to
tfinal = 2*pi*sqrt(Lo*C);
for a circuit with constant C and constant L = L0 at T = 2π(sqrt(L0C)).
The task is to figure out a good algorithm to determine the peak of Imax with good accuracy, and a good algorithm to obtain the oscillation period T. I did it like this:
% Given start values
U = 300; % Voltage
Lo = 1.1; % Start value
C = 0.85e-6; % Start value
tfinal = 2*pi*sqrt(Lo*C); % Timespan
% ODE45
du = @(t,u)[ u(2); (2*u(1)/(1+u(1)^2))*u(2)^2-(1+u(1)^2)*u(1)/(Lo*C) ];
opt = odeset('Reltol', 1e-10);
[tode,u] = ode45(du, [0 tfinal], [0 U/Lo], opt); % Solving non-stiff ode
I = u(:,1);
subplot(2,1,1), plot(tode,I,'b') % Plots vector with solutions
title([num2str(U) ' V']);
xlabel('Tid [s]');
ylabel('Ström [A]');
hold on
dI = u(:,2); % Derivate of I
% Calculating the top value, Imax
for b = 1:length(dI) - 1;
if dI(b)*dI(b+1) >= 0 % Stepping to Imax due to derivate change from + to -
b = b+1;
disp([' Imax:'])
% Calculating the period T
for n = 1:length(I) - 1;
if I(n)*I(n+1) >= 0 % Stepping to where I changes from + to -
n = n+1;
g = (I(n+1)-I(n))/(tode(n+1)-tode(n));
T = 2*(tode(n)-(I(n)/g)); % T (x2 for the full period)
disp([' Period time [seconds]:'])
The thing is that this works perfectly fine, but my teacher want's me to try to find the Imax and T values using RK4 and interpolation instead of my "stepping"-method. I'm seriously stuck here so any help would be truly and deeply appreciated!
What I've done so far with the RK4 (simply just the way the RK4 works):
for i=1:(length(x)-1)
k_1 = du(x(i),y(i));
k_2 = du(x(i)+0.5*h,y(i)+0.5*h*k_1);
k_3 = du((x(i)+0.5*h),(y(i)+0.5*h*k_2));
k_4 = du((x(i)+h),(y(i)+k_3*h));
y(i+1) = y(i) + (1/6)*(k_1+2*k_2+2*k_3+k_4)*h;
Thank you in advance.

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