problem with newey west algorithm in matlab

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Donald on 22 Jun 2013
Hey, i have a question about a function file from this forum that calculates the newey west standard error of a regression. This is the file:
*_function se = NeweyWest(e,X,L)
% PURPOSE: computes Newey-West adjusted heteroscedastic-serial
% consistent standard errors
% where: e = T x n vector of model residuals
% X = T x k matrix of independant variables
% L = lag length to use
% se = Newey-West standard errors
indexxx = sum(isnan(X),2)==0;
X = X(indexxx,:);
e = e(indexxx,:);
[N,k] = size(X);
k = k+1;
X = [ones(N,1),X];
if nargin < 3
% Newey-West (1994) plug-in procedure
L = floor(4*((N/100)^(2/9)));
Q = 0;
for l = 0:L
w_l = 1-l/(L+1);
for t = l+1:N
if (l==0) % This calculates the S_0 portion
Q = Q + e(t) ^2 * X(t, :)' * X(t,:);
else % This calculates the off-diagonal terms
Q = Q + w_l * e(t) * e(t-l)* ...
(X(t, :)' * X(t-l,:) + X(t-l, :)' * X(t,:));
Q = (1/(N-k)) .*Q;
se = sqrt(diag(N.*((X'*X)\Q/(X'*X))));
I want to know the newey west standard error of a regression where i regress the equity premium on a constant only. This means my vector X is a 778x1 vector containing ones. However, this results in a standard error of NAN, because (X'*X)\Q/(X'*X) produces a NAN. At this point, X is a 2x2 vector with value 778 and Q is a 2x2 vector containing 4.9*10^-8. Matlab says: "Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision. > In NeweyWest at 43". Does anyone know how i can get newey west standard errors out of this regression?

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