Function stuck in a 'while loop'

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Jackie on 23 Jul 2013
I have a function to find the coefficients of a polynomial correlation between 3 data sets. The code has 6 simultaneous equations in matrix form to calculate the 6 coefficients (using least squares regression) and then uses a while loop to reduce the rmse (root mean squared error) to a minimum while updates the coefficients therefore validating the results.
The code is this:
function F = matrices; %Name to call the function from the command window
X = [259, 266, 298, 322, 310, 339, 398]; %These need to be
Y = [64.6, 65.48, 65.28, 65.66, 65.86, 65.83, 65.37]; %adjusted according
Z = [-42, -35.8, -24.8, -16, -19.7, -9.5 -1]; %to the correlation.
X2 = X .* X; %Used to simplify the matrix notation within
X3 = X2 .* X; %the while loop.
Y2 = Y .* Y;
Y3 = Y2 .* Y;
Z2 = Z .* Z;
n = 7; %Number of data points.
RMSE = 1; %Initial RMSE guess to use in equation on line 28
A = 1; %Initial coefficient guesses, need to make sure
B = 1; %that the initial guesses don't have an effect on
C = 1; %the final answer.
D = 1;
E = 1;
F = 1;
while RMSE>0.01 %While loop to keep recalculating the root mean
%squared error if it is larger than the tolerance,
%or minimum value set previously.
m = A.*X2 + B.*X + C.*Y2 + D.*Y + E.*Y.*X + F;
%The assumed form of the correlation equation.
RMSE = ((sum(((m-Z).^2).*(1:7)))/7).^(0.5);
%RMSE calculation used to create most valid
%Enter the least squares code to update the variables, A B C D E F?
q = [X3 .* X, X3, X2 .* Y2, X2 .* Y, X3 .* Y, X2;
X3, X2, X .* Y2, Y.* X, X2 .* Y, X;
X2 .* Y2, X .* Y2, Y3 .* Y, Y3, Y3 .* X, Y2;
X2 .* Y, X .* Y, Y3, Y2, X .* Y2, Y;
X3 .* Y, X2 .* Y, Y3 .* X, X .* Y2, X2 .* Y2, Y .* X;
X2, X, Y2, Y, Y .* X, ones(1,length(X))];
p = [X2.*Z, X.*Z, Y2.*Z, Y.*Z, Y.*Z, Z2];
x(1) = 'A'
x(2) = 'B' %Necessary to update the coefficient values,
x(3) = 'C' %without these commands the x matrix is returned
x(4) = 'D' %exactly the same every time.
x(5) = 'E'
x(6) = 'F'
end %To end the while loop.
A %To recall each of the calculated coefficients and the final
B %root mean squared error value showing the validity of the
C %corelation.
RMSE %A value closer to 0 is better.
This will create the 6 coefficients and keep updating them without getting to a point where the rmse is low enough. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
P.S. my company's version of matlab doesnt have a curve fitting toolbox which would solve all my problems, hence the long winded approach!

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