How do I access SQL column default value via JDBC DatabaseMetaData in Database Toolbox v3.10 (R2011b)?

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I have a certain SQL table. I would like to access the metadata to determine if a particular column has a default value or not.
I use the following method.
% Define JDBC driver & URL:
>>driver = '';
>>URL = 'jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;database=TickerData;integratedSecurity=true;';
% Connect to database:
>>db = database('TickerInfo','','',driver,URL);
% Get MATLAB metadata object:
>>dbmeta = dmd(db)
dbmeta =
DMDHandle: [1x1]
% Access Java object within (dbmeta) & call getColumns() method.
% It's known that table 'Ticker' has a column 'isThisRecordActive' which has a default value of (1).
>> dbmeta.DMDHandle.getColumns('','','Ticker','isThisRecordActive')
ans =

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 2 Apr 2012
Accessing default values using SQL is not possible using Database toolbox directly.
As a workaround, it is possible to use documented java.sql calls with a simple Java class file called
It has to be compiled with
javac –Xlint:unchecked
with the –Xlint flag to get around the warning.
You will need to add the directory where databaseUtils.class lives with the JAVAADDPATH command in MATLAB, for example
javaaddpath c:\
You can access the column default values using the following syntax:
b = databaseUtils;
b.dmdColumns(db.DMDHandle,'dwmart','dbo'); % where db is the database used.

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