How do I display a matrix in a figure window?

9 views (last 30 days)
I want to display a formated matrix in a figure window so that I can scroll through the columns using a slider uicontrol.

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 25 Mar 2023
Edited: MathWorks Support Team on 27 Mar 2023
This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2008a (R2008a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The following example demonstrates how to display a matrix in a figure window. It creates a horizontal slider bar that can be used to scroll through the columns of the matrix. You can construct a similar scroll bar for scrolling through the rows of the matrix if this is necessary.
% Create a figure to work with
fig = figure('NumberTitle','off','Name','Matrix');
% Create the axes
ax = axes('Units','normal','Position',[.1 .1 .8 .8]);
axis off % Make the axes invisible
axis ij % Origin at top left
% Define the default values for text
set(fig,'DefaultTextFontName','courier', ... % So text lines up
'DefaultTextHorizontalAlignment','left', ...
'DefaultTextVerticalAlignment','bottom', ...
% Define the matrix
A = 999*rand(20,25);
% Determine the number of rows and columns
[m,n] = size(A);
% Draw the first column
axis([1 m 1 n])
tmp = text(.5,.5,'t');
ext = get(tmp,'Extent');
dy = ext(4); % Height of a single character.
wch = ext(3); % Width of a single character.
fw = 8; % Column width. Each column can have up to
% 8-digits in it.
wc = 8*wch; % Width of 8 digit column
dwc = 2*wch; % Distance between columns
dx = wc+dwc; % Step used for columns
x = 1; % Location of first column
for i = 1:n % Column
y = 1;
for j = 1:m % Row
y = y + abs(dy); % Location of row
t(j,i) = text(x,y,sprintf('%3.4f',A(j,i)));
x = x+dx; % Location of next column
% Fix up the axes
axis([1-dwc/2 1+6*dx-dwc/2 1 n])
title('Columns 1 through 6')
% Add a horizontal slider
slide_step = floor(10/dx); % Number of columns in view
hs = uicontrol('Style','slider','Units','normal', ...
'Position',[.1 0 .8 .05],'min',1,'max',n, ...
'UserData',[dx,dwc],'Value',1, ...
'CallBack',['val = get(gco,''Value'');', ...
'dx = get(gco,''UserData'');', ...
'dwc = dx(2); dx = dx(1);', ...
'if (val-round(val))>eps,', ... % Test for + step
' val = ceil(val);', ...
'elseif (val-round(val)) < -eps,', ... % Test for - step
' val = floor(val);', ...
'end,', ...
'minx = 1+(floor(val)-1)*dx-dwc/2;', ...
'maxx = minx+6*dx;', ...
'set(gco,''Value'',val),', ... % Set the step
'axlim = axis;', ...
'axis([minx maxx axlim(3:4)]),', ...
'title([''Columns '',int2str(val),'' through '', int2str(val+6)])']);
NOTE: This example was provided by one of our customers and has not been fully tested by, and is not officially supported by, MathWorks, Inc.
Alternately, you could use an ActiveX object as demonstrated in this customer-supplied example on the MATLAB Central File Exchange:

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