
This function calculates all Haralick Features in an effective way without for-loops.
Updated 15 Oct 2018

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It only uses matrix products and makes calculating the GLCM fast. In version 1.x are only two foor-loops.
For better legacy you decide with the optional variable xFeature which Haralick Feature you want use.
All Haralick Features were take from the original paper. See (http://haralick.org/journals/TexturalFeatures.pdf) for more information.

Cite As

Rune Monzel (2024). haralickTextureFeatures (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/58769-haralicktexturefeatures), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved .

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2006a
Compatible with any release
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Windows macOS Linux

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Version Published Release Notes

- fixed feature 8 Sum Variance (thanks to Lingxuan Kong)

fixed feature 8 Sum Variance

- fixed and validated Haralick Feature 14 (Maximal Correlation Coefficient), but still not checked
- fixed problem with empty eigenvector in Feature 14 (thanks to Hafiz Muhammad Arslan)

ver 1.1
- coOcMat will be checked if it is 2-dimensional
- Example code added
- more documentation
- fixed if-end polling (thanks to Ihsan Yassin)