Contributors from the past 365 days

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Pedro Aurélio Santos
Pedro Aurélio Santos

Student of Automation and Control Enginnering
Researcher at Robotics Lab of UFBA

5 Reputation
0 Submissions
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Jorge G Pires
Jorge G Pires

I have been awarded my B.Eng by Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto in Production Engineering, I have gotten my master of science by a double diploma scheme, University of L'Aquila and Gdansk University of Technology, I have focused on systems biology and computational intelligence. I have completed my PhD on a collaboration between the Brazilian programme Science without Borders in biomathematics at the University of L'Aquila/IASI-CNR.

1 Reputation
0 Submissions
N/A Last Submission

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1 - 2 of 2