How can I shift the time series in y axis?
Shift in y-direction just by adding 1,2,...,nFloors to each data line. N = 100; nFloors = 5; x = 1:N; y = bsxfun(@...

11 years ago | 0

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help in Neural Network classifier
see help patternnet or doc patternnet for an example with four features and three classes.

11 years ago | 0

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How to customize SVM kernel parameters in Matlab
Documentation given by help svmtrain should give you all information you need. What is the meaning of your variable _r_...

11 years ago | 0

Why fopen does not accept the path when it is assigned to a variable.
omit the the '' to get the content of the variable filename. fid=fopen(filename,'w')

11 years ago | 0

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Hidden Layer Activations in NN Toolbox
I'm looking for a non-manual way to compute the layer activations of an arbitrary neural network created with the Neural Network...

11 years ago | 1 answer | 0



How to get Gradient from Network Created by Neural Network Toolbox?
Actully, the function 'staticderivative' can do this for a static network. In general, however, it is likely that defaultderiv i...

11 years ago | 0

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I want to initialize a very large character array with the same character string
Have you tried 'repmat'? N = 100000; A = repmat('String',N,1); If you must use a for-loop, you should pre-allocate th...

11 years ago | 1

change patternnet transfer function
try following to change the transfer function in the first hidden layer: net.layers{1}.transferFcn = 'tansig';

11 years ago | 1


How to get Gradient from Network Created by Neural Network Toolbox?
How can the gradient of the performance function with respect to the weights and biases of a neural network created by the Neura...

11 years ago | 2 answers | 0

