Acquire Data Using NI Devices
This example shows how to acquire data from a National Instruments device.
Discover Analog Input Devices
To discover a device that supports input measurements, access the device in the table returned by the daqlist
command. This example uses an NI 9201 module in a National Instruments® CompactDAQ Chassis NI cDAQ-9178. This is an 8 channel analog input device and is module 4 in the chassis.
d = daqlist("ni")
d = 12×4 table DeviceID Description Model DeviceInfo ___________ __________________________________ _____________ ____________________ "cDAQ1Mod1" "National Instruments NI 9205" "NI 9205" [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo] "cDAQ1Mod2" "National Instruments NI 9263" "NI 9263" [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo] "cDAQ1Mod3" "National Instruments NI 9234" "NI 9234" [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo] "cDAQ1Mod4" "National Instruments NI 9201" "NI 9201" [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo] "cDAQ1Mod5" "National Instruments NI 9402" "NI 9402" [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo] "cDAQ1Mod6" "National Instruments NI 9213" "NI 9213" [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo] "cDAQ1Mod7" "National Instruments NI 9219" "NI 9219" [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo] "cDAQ1Mod8" "National Instruments NI 9265" "NI 9265" [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo] "Dev1" "National Instruments PCIe-6363" "PCIe-6363" [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo] "Dev2" "National Instruments NI ELVIS II" "NI ELVIS II" [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo] "Dev3" "National Instruments PCIe-6363" "PCIe-6363" [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo] "Dev4" "National Instruments PCIe-6363" "PCIe-6363" [1×1 daq.DeviceInfo]
deviceInfo = d{4, "DeviceInfo"}
deviceInfo = ni: National Instruments NI 9201 (Device ID: 'cDAQ1Mod4') Analog input supports: -10 to +10 Volts range Rates from 0.6 to 500000.0 scans/sec 8 channels ('ai0' - 'ai7') 'Voltage' measurement type This module is in slot 4 of the 'cDAQ-9178' chassis with the name 'cDAQ1'.
Create a DataAcquisition and Add Analog Input Channels
Create a DataAcquisition, set the Rate
property (the default is 1000 scans per second), and add analog input channels using addinput
dq = daq("ni"); dq.Rate = 8000; addinput(dq, "cDAQ1Mod4", "ai0", "Voltage"); addinput(dq, "cDAQ1Mod4", "ai1", "Voltage");
Acquire a Single Scan as a Table
Use read
to acquire a single scan. The result is a table with two data columns because two input channels are used to acquire the scan.
tabledata = read(dq)
tabledata = 1×2 timetable Time cDAQ1Mod4_ai0 cDAQ1Mod4_ai1 _____ _____________ _____________ 0 sec 0.00081472 0.00090579
Acquire a Single Scan as a Matrix
Use read
to acquire a single scan. The result is an array of size 1x2 because two input channels are used to acquire the scan.
matrixdata = read(dq, "OutputFormat", "Matrix")
matrixdata = 1.0e-03 * 0.1270 0.9134
Acquire Data For a Specified Duration
Use read
to acquire multiple scans, blocking MATLAB execution until all the data requested is acquired. The acquired data is returned as a timetable with width equal to the number of channels and height equal to the number of scans.
% Acquire data for one second at 8000 scans per second.
data = read(dq, seconds(1));
Plot the Acquired Data
plot(data.Time, data.Variables);
ylabel("Voltage (V)")
Acquire Specified Number of Scans
data = read(dq, 2*dq.Rate);
plot(data.Time, data.Variables);
ylabel("Voltage (V)")