Radially divide binary image from centroid at equal angles and find the radial distance

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I have the following binary image.
I need to divide this cell (the white section) into equal angle portions (of 36 degrees) at the centroid and find the distance from the centroid to the perimeter (edge of the white section) at each portion of angle. With the help of some of the answers I received in a previous post (courtesy of 'Image Analyst') I have the following code so far. ('some code portions have been changed from the original post marked with *')
C = imread('14.jpg');
bw = im2bw(C, graythresh(C));
cc = bwconncomp(bw, 4);
celldata = regionprops(cc, 'centroid');
celldata_centroid = [celldata.Centroid];
centroidx = celldata_centroid(:, 1);
centroidy = celldata_centroid(:, 2);
boundaries = bwboundaries(C);
mat_boundaries = cell2mat(boundaries); %*
boundaryx = mat_boundaries(:, 2);
boundaryy = mat_boundaries(:, 1);
allDistances = sqrt((boundaryx - centroidx).^2 + (boundaryy - centroidy).^2);
allAngles = atan2d(boundaryy, boundaryx); %*
[~, index36] = min(abs(allAngles - 36)); % Find index closest to 36 degrees
distance36 = distance(index36); %*
But I'm getting an error at the end saying not enough input arguments for the function 'distance'. Could someone help me out?

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 10 Nov 2013
You never defines distance. Maybe you meant allDistances instead?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 10 Nov 2013
Edited: Image Analyst on 11 Nov 2013
Once you read and understand the code, you'll realize that I give that to you. For every pixel around it I give you the angle and the distance. Maybe there is no pixel at exactly 72 degrees. Maybe there's one at 71.42 degrees, and another one at 72.894 degrees. I give you everything that's there. But I didn't stop there, I actually gave you an example of how to find the pixel nearest to 36 degrees, since there might not be one at exactly 36 degrees to the billionth decimal point. Are you starting to understand what I did now? Okay, so you just do that for every angle that you want. If you want, you can scan allAngles and pull out the ones that are closest to 36, 72, etc. See if you can do that on your own, following my example and putting it into a loop.

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